Argentine government tries to get Venezuela to grant safe passage to Machado’s team

The administration of Nicolás Maduro is reportedly breaking its promise to allow the six members of María Corina Machado’s team, who are taking refuge in the Argentine embassy in Caracas, to leave the country.

The information was provided by two senior Argentine officials to the Reuters agency, who in turn commented that will exert increasing pressure in order to obtain safe passage from the Venezuelan regime.

In March, associates of Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado sought asylum at the Argentine embassy in Caracas after a local prosecutor issued arrest warrants against them for conspiracy.

In April, Reuters reported, citing a Venezuelan official source, that Maduro’s government would allow the six attendees to leave safely so they could travel to Buenos Aires. However, senior Argentine sources in Javier Milei’s government told the agency that such a concession had never been granted.

“Venezuela is not issuing safe-conduct passes, it is not complying with what was agreed upon or with the Convention on Diplomatic Asylum (1954)”one of the sources said.

«At the official Argentine residence in Caracas The entire Machado campaign office is therewho are politically persecuted”added the person, who asked not to be identified. “They have to leave Caracas because their physical integrity is in danger”.

A third Venezuelan source with knowledge of the matter said they expected Argentina to make a significant and more public push on the issue this week, with the aim of exerting more regional pressure on Caracas.

«Other countries are likely to soon begin to speak out, calling for a solution to this issue»added the first source from the Argentine government.

Pedro Urruchurtu, Magallí Meda, Humberto Villalobos, Claudia Macero, Omar González and Fernando Martínez Mottola are the members of Machado’s team who remain at the embassy.

#Argentine #government #Venezuela #grant #safe #passage #Machados #team
2024-07-23 23:01:42



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