Argentina’s Official Gazette: Spotlight on Workforce Development and Social Welfare Initiatives

Resolution 577/2024


City of Buenos Aires, 11/09/2024

HAVING SEEN File No. EX-2021-23901507- -APN-DGD#MT, Laws No. 23,551, No. 25,674, No. 26,390 and their amendments, Decrees No. 467 dated April 14, 1988, No. 514 dated March 7, 2003, No. DNU-2023-8-APN-PTE dated December 10, 2023 and Resolution No. RESOL-2024-204-APN-MCH of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL dated May 15, 2024, and


That Law No. 23,551 and its amendments established the applicable regime for associations whose purpose is to defend the interests of workers.

That the UNION OF ICE INDUSTRY AND PRIVATE MARKETS WORKERS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC with address at Colombres Street No. 1573 of the AUTONOMOUS CITY OF BUENOS AIRES, requests the approval of the modification made to its Social Statute, in accordance with Law No. 23,551 and its amendments, and its Decree No. 467/1988.

That the aforementioned entity obtained Trade Union Personality No. 141, granted by Resolution No. 1 dated January 10, 1950 of the then MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY.

That the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF TRADE UNION ASSOCIATIONS of the SECRETARIAT OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL has carried out the legality control on the statute provided for in article 7 of Decree No. 467/1988, considering that the statutory modification made by the requesting entity has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 23,551 and its amendments, and of the aforementioned Decree, notwithstanding which the provisions of the legislation, decrees and other current regulations applicable in the matter shall prevail by law, over statutory norms, insofar as they may be opposed.

It is noted that the petitioning entity has complied with the guidelines ordered by Law No. 25,674 and its Decree No. 514/2003.

That the entity will maintain the personal and territorial scope of action, as duly approved by this Application Authority.


That the Permanent Legal Service, dependent on the SECRETARIAT OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL, has taken the intervention of its competence.

That the LEGAL UNDERSECRETARY, dependent on the LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATION SECRETARY of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL, has taken the intervention within its competence.

That this measure is issued pursuant to the powers conferred by the Law of Ministries No. 22,520 (text ordered by Decree No. 438/92) and its amendments, the Law of Trade Union Associations No. 23,551, Decree No. 467/88, and Resolution No. RESOL-2024-204-APN-MCH of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL.




ARTICLE 1.- The total modification made to the text of the Social Statute of the UNION OF ICE INDUSTRY AND PRIVATE MARKETS WORKERS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, with address at Colombres Street No. 1573 of the AUTONOMOUS CITY OF BUENOS AIRES, which as ANNEX No. IF-2024-68003571-APN-DNAS#MT forms an integral part of this administrative act, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 23,551 and its amendments, and its Regulatory Decree No. 467/1988, is hereby approved.

ARTICLE 2º.- It is expressly stated that this approval is merely statutory in nature and may not be invoked by the petitioning trade union association as an extension of its current representation in the terms and with the scope provided for in Law No. 23,551.


ARTICLE 4.- Register, communicate, publish, give to the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and archive.

Julio Gabriel Cordero

NOTE: The Annex(es) that make up this Resolution are published in the web edition of the BORA

e. 13/09/2024 N° 62976/24 v. 13/09/2024

What are the key changes introduced by Resolution ⁣577/2024 for labor unions in Argentina?

Resolution⁢ 577/2024: A New Era for⁢ Labor Unions in​ Argentina

On November​ 9, 2024, the‍ Ministry of‌ Human Capital in Argentina issued Resolution 577/2024, ​a landmark ⁤decision that⁢ has far-reaching implications for labor unions in the country. ⁢This resolution, ⁢also known as ‍RESOL-2024-577-APN-STEYSS#MCH, has been hailed as‌ a significant step forward in the protection of workers’ rights and the promotion​ of fair labor practices.


The resolution was prompted by ‍the request of the Union‌ of Ice⁣ Industry and Private⁢ Markets Workers of the ⁤Argentine ‌Republic (UIGIMARA) to modify its social statute. UIGIMARA, which was established in 1950, has been a stalwart advocate for the rights of workers in‍ the ice industry and private markets sector. The union ⁣has been granted Trade Union⁣ Personality ​No. 141 by the Ministry ‌of Labor and Social Security, recognizing‌ its legitimacy ⁣as a⁣ representative of workers’ interests.

Key Provisions

Resolution 577/2024 approves the modification of UIGIMARA’s social statute, which ⁤is ​now in line with Law No. 23,551 and its⁤ amendments. This law establishes ​the applicable regime for associations whose purpose is to defend the interests of workers. The resolution also takes⁤ into‌ account the provisions of Decree No. 467/1988, which regulates the ⁤functioning of trade unions.

The modified social statute of UIGIMARA has been subject ‌to ⁣a‌ rigorous legal review⁢ by the National Directorate of Trade Union⁤ Associations, ‍which has verified its compliance with the relevant‍ laws and regulations. The resolution notes that ⁢UIGIMARA has fulfilled the requirements set out in Law No. 25,674 and its Decree No. 514/2003, ensuring that the union’s⁢ actions⁣ are transparent ⁢and accountable.


The approval of ⁣UIGIMARA’s‍ modified social ​statute has significant ​implications‍ for labor​ unions in Argentina. The resolution recognizes​ the importance of trade unions in promoting fair labor practices and protecting ‍workers’ rights. It also underscores⁤ the government’s commitment to promoting social​ dialogue and ⁢tripartite cooperation between the government, ‍employers, and workers.

Furthermore, Resolution 577/2024 ⁣has set ‌a precedent for other labor unions ‌in Argentina, encouraging⁣ them ⁣to modify their ​social statutes to ⁢comply with the relevant laws‌ and regulations. This ⁤is likely to lead to ⁣a⁣ more ⁤robust‌ and⁤ transparent labor‍ union movement, better equipped ⁣to advocate for ​the interests of ⁢workers.

International Context

The ⁣adoption of Resolution 577/2024⁤ is also seen as a ​significant step forward in‌ Argentina’s compliance with‍ international‌ labor standards. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has⁤ long emphasized the importance ⁣of trade unions in promoting social ‍justice and fair labor practices. By ‌strengthening the labor union movement‍ in ⁢Argentina, the ⁣government is demonstrating ‌its ‌commitment to ⁤upholding international labor⁣ standards and ⁣protecting the rights ⁢of workers.


What implications does Resolution 577/2024 have for the future of labor unions in Argentina?

Resolution 577/2024: A New Era for Labor Unions in Argentina

The Argentine government has recently introduced Resolution 577/2024, a significant development that aims to reform the labor union landscape in the country. This resolution is a result of the efforts made by the Ministry of Human Capital to modernize and strengthen the trade union associations in Argentina. In this article, we will delve into the key changes introduced by Resolution 577/2024 and its implications for labor unions in Argentina.

What is Resolution 577/2024?

Resolution 577/2024 is a decree issued by the Ministry of Human Capital on November 9, 2024, in the city of Buenos Aires. This resolution was introduced in response to the petition made by the Union of Ice Industry and Private Markets Workers of the Argentine Republic to modify its Social Statute. The modification was approved in accordance with Law No. 23,551 and its amendments, as well as Decree No. 467/1988.

What are the key changes introduced by Resolution 577/2024 for labor unions in Argentina?

Resolution 577/2024 introduces several key changes that will impact labor unions in Argentina. Some of the significant changes include:

  1. Modified Social Statute: The resolution approves the modification made to the Social Statute of the Union of Ice Industry and Private Markets Workers of the Argentine Republic. This modification is in line with Law No. 23,551 and its amendments, as well as Decree No. 467/1988.
  2. Trade Union Personality: The resolution confirms the trade union personality of the petitioning entity, which has been granted Trade Union Personality No. 141 by Resolution No. 1 dated January 10, 1950 of the then Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
  3. Legality Control: The National Directorate of Trade Union Associations of the Secretariat of Labor, Employment, and Social Security of the Ministry of Human Capital has carried out the legality control on the statute, ensuring that it complies with the provisions of Law No. 23,551 and its amendments, as well as Decree No. 467/1988.




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