Argentina’s Minister Sergio Massa and AFA President Tapia Announce Opening Match of 2030 Centennial World Cup

2023-10-05 17:57:40

Minister Sergio Massa and the head of the AFA, Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia led the formal announcement of the opening match of the 2030 Centennial World Cup in Argentina. During the event, the Unión por la Patria candidate pointed out that Argentina’s election is a demonstration that, compared to what the right-wing opposition says, “we are not a shitty country.”

For his part, Tapia launched a shot by elevation that hit squarely on the denialist speeches that have resurfaced in recent months: “Whoever governs governs, it will be a world cup of democracy.”

The head of the AFA also praised the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria and highlighted that without his intervention, the organization of the Men’s Under 20 World Cup in Argentina would not have been possible. And now “thanks to Massa, Argentines will have the opportunity in 2030 to experience the opening of a World Cup.”

“We Argentinians are going to host the 2030 World Cup where the State will not have to invest anything,” added the leader about the minister’s management.

“A world of democracy”

The definitions were made during a conference at the AFA premises in Ezeiza. The event was a presentation of the 2030 World Cup, which Spain, Portugal and Morocco will jointly organize, while Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay will host the first three matches of the group stage.

“In the face of those who say that we are a country of shit, this is the demonstration that in front of the world we are not a country of shit and that in the things in which we stand out we can shine and occupy a place of preponderance,” said Massa, who He was invited because he was one of the promoters and guarantors of Argentina’s application as the venue for the maximum soccer tournament.

The presidential candidate and Minister of Economy thanked the work of the head of the AFA, who in return highlighted that, although there are seven years left until it is held, “this World Cup has a patriotic value for Argentines. It is not a global dictatorship. Whoever governs governs, it is a world cup of democracy.”

Massa’s message hit home with the right-wing opposition, whose discouraging discourse focuses on promoting the country’s inferiority and minimizing Argentine social and economic potential. Even in the “failed society” that the former president and head of the FIFA Foundation, Mauricio Macri, spoke of months ago.

During his speech, the head of the Palacio de Hacienda pointed out that Argentine football “is one of the most important symbols and flags of the country in the world.” It is to the point that “political and financial actors from all over the world identify us” because of it.

“The National Team jersey opens any door for us,” said the official and gave Tapia the formal guarantees that the national government had guaranteed to the AFA for the holding of the opening match of the Centennial World Cup.

In which city will the opening match be?

Massa raised an unexpected consideration. He proposed that the city of Buenos Aires not be considered as the only possible venue for the Argentine National Team match.

“I would love for us to do that match in Córdoba, Santiago del Estero, Mendoza or Santa Fe” in order to “give a movement” to the domestic and international tourism that will be there during the days prior to that competition.

“Chiqui” Tapia immediately picked up the message and recalled that his management always had a federal perspective for which the National Team played several matches in stadiums in different parts of the country.

On the other hand, Massa stated that the negotiation process to achieve the goal of once again being one of the World Cup venues was “tough and complex.” Above all “because of the criticism and prejudices” that existed in this regard.

In addition, he thanked Tapia for “leaving the Argentine flag high” and highlighted that “whoever governs (in 2030), the World Cup begins at home and that is credit to the work accomplished” that began when the country was able to host of the 2023 U20 World Cup.

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