Argentina Simplifies Entry Process for Venezuelans Holding Expired Documents

In view of the closure of the Venezuelan Consulate in Buenos Airesfollowing the elections held in that country on July 28, Argentina will facilitate the entry and regularization of Venezuelan migrants whose documents have expired. This was reported on Friday by official sources.

The National Directorate of Migration (DNM) approved a Special Regime for Migratory Regularization for Natives of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which will come into effect within 10 days, as published this Friday in the Official Gazette.

Argentina will facilitate access to Venezuelans

According to the regulations, measures to expel or require Venezuelan citizens to leave the country if they have problems renewing or expiring their documentation are suspended.

This resolution allows Venezuelans to enter Argentina for a renewable period of 90 days, with their expired identity card or passport, as long as they have not expired more than 10 years ago.

Likewise, Venezuelan children under 9 years of age are allowed to enter the country with a birth certificate, if they do not have Venezuelan documentation.

The regulation relaxes the requirements for filing, such as the validity of the documents or the need for an apostille.

(With information from EFE)

Argentina will facilitate entry for Venezuelans.

Former Uruguayan President José Mujica hospitalized for dehydration

#Argentina #facilitate #entry #Venezuelans #expired #documentation
2024-09-07 03:15:13

Venezuelan migration​ crisis

Venezuelan Migrants in Argentina: A Path to ⁢Regularization

In recent years, Venezuela has been facing a ⁣severe economic and political crisis, leading to a massive exodus of its ⁢citizens seeking refuge in neighboring countries. Argentina, in particular, has become a popular ⁤destination for Venezuelan migrants. According to a report by BA Times, Venezuelans now make up the third-largest immigrant‌ community​ in Argentina, accounting for nearly 8.4% of foreign-born residents [[1]].

The Argentine government has taken measures to facilitate the entry and regularization of Venezuelan migrants whose documents have expired. Following the closure of the Venezuelan ⁢Consulate in Buenos Aires, the National​ Directorate of Migration (DNM) approved a Special Regime for Migratory Regularization for Natives of the Bolivarian Republic of ⁤Venezuela. This new regulation will come into effect within 10 days and allows Venezuelans to enter Argentina for a renewable period of 90 days, even with expired identity cards or passports, as long as they have not expired more than 10 years ago.

Furthermore, Venezuelan children under 9 years of age are permitted to enter ⁢the country⁤ with a birth certificate, if they ​do not have Venezuelan documentation. The ‌regulation relaxes the requirements for filing, such as the validity of documents or the need‍ for an apostille. This move‌ is expected to provide relief to thousands⁢ of Venezuelan migrants who have been living in Argentina with expired documents.

Research has shown that many Venezuelan professionals have been‌ able to find employment in informal or‌ precarious sectors⁣ in Argentina [[2]]. However, ‌with this new regulation, they may have access to better job opportunities and a more stable future.

In addition to this, Argentina has been ramping up pressure on Venezuela to grant safe passage to six opposition aides who had sought refuge in its embassy in Caracas [[3]]. This development highlights the complex diplomatic relations⁤ between⁣ the two countries and the challenges faced by Venezuelan migrants ⁣in Argentina.

Argentina’s decision to facilitate the entry and regularization of Venezuelan ‌migrants is a ⁢significant step towards⁣ providing ⁣a sense of ⁣stability and security for⁣ thousands of people who have been ⁤displaced by the crisis in their home country. As the situation ⁣in Venezuela continues to unfold, it is‍ likely that ‌more​ Venezuelans will​ seek⁣ refuge⁣ in Argentina and other neighboring countries, and it is essential that governments take a humanitarian approach to address the needs of these migrants.





How does Argentina’s new Special Regime for Migratory Regularization affect Venezuelan migrants with expired documents?

Argentina to Facilitate Entry and Regularization of Venezuelan Migrants

In a recent move, Argentina has announced that it will facilitate the entry and regularization of Venezuelan migrants whose documents have expired. This decision comes in response to the closure of the Venezuelan Consulate in Buenos Aires following the country’s elections on July 28.

Venezuelan Migration Crisis

The Venezuelan migration crisis has been ongoing for several years, with millions of Venezuelans fleeing their country due to political turmoil, socio-economic instability, and the ongoing humanitarian crisis [3[3]. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are over 7.7 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants globally, with 6.5 million of them in Latin America and the Caribbean [2[2].

Special Regime for Migratory Regularization

To address the situation, the Argentine government has approved a Special Regime for Migratory Regularization for Natives of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which will come into effect within 10 days <a href="”>[1[1]. This regime allows Venezuelans to enter Argentina for a renewable period of 90 days, with their expired identity card or passport, as long as they have not expired more than 10 years ago.

Additionally, Venezuelan children under 9 years of age are allowed to enter the country with a birth certificate, if they do not have Venezuelan documentation. The regulation relaxes the requirements for filing, such as the validity of the documents or the need for an apostille.

Measures to Facilitate Entry and Regularization

The National Directorate of Migration (DNM) has suspended measures to expel or require Venezuelan citizens to leave the country if they have problems renewing or expiring their documentation. This move is aimed at facilitating the entry and regularization of Venezuelan migrants in Argentina.

Humanitarian Response

The decision by the Argentine government to facilitate the entry and regularization of Venezuelan migrants is a humanitarian response to the ongoing crisis. It is estimated that over 6.1 million refugees and migrants have left Venezuela as a result of the political turmoil, socio-economic instability, and the ongoing humanitarian crisis [3[3].


The Venezuelan migration crisis is a complex issue that requires a coordinated response from regional governments and international organizations. Argentina’s decision to facilitate the entry and regularization of Venezuelan migrants is a positive step towards addressing the crisis. However, more needs to be done to address the root causes of the crisis and provide long-term solutions for the millions of Venezuelans displaced by the crisis.


[1] Wikipedia. (2023). Venezuelan refugee crisis. Retrieved from <>

[2] UNHCR. (2023). Venezuela Situation. Retrieved from

[3] IOM. (n.d.). Venezuelan Refugee and Migrant Crisis. Retrieved from



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