Argentina rejected Venezuela’s decision to revoke Brazil’s representation of its interests

  • The Foreign Ministry warns the Venezuelan government that it must respect the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations that enshrines the inviolability of mission premises

Argentina has expressed its “rejection” of the decision by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to “unilaterally revoke” Brazil’s authorization to represent Argentina’s interests and guard its diplomatic facilities in Caracas.

“The Argentine Republic rejects this unilateral measure and warns the Venezuelan government that it must respect the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which enshrines the inviolability of mission premises,” the Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Venezuelan government reported, through a statement on Saturday, September 7, that revoked the approval that granted Brazil custody of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.

“Venezuela is forced to make this decision motivated by the evidence of the use of the facilities of this diplomatic mission for the planning of terrorist activities and assassination attempts against President (…) Nicolás Maduro and against Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, by the fugitives from Venezuelan justice who remain within it,” can be read in a statement released by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil through his Telegram channel.

The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry claims that the decision will be effective “immediately.” The measure nullifies the custody and assistance that Brazil provided to the diplomatic headquarters, as well as to its nationals, assets and archives of Argentina in Venezuela.

Siege of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas


Between the night of Friday, September 6 and the morning of Saturday, September 7, opponents of Maduro They denounced a state of “siege” at the Argentine Embassy in the Venezuelan capital – which was under Brazilian protection after the expulsion of the southern country’s diplomatic mission – where six asylum seekers are located.

“Likewise, (Argentina) denounces before the international community that at this moment patrols of the Venezuelan intelligence services and security forces are surrounding the official residence in Caracas. The Maduro regime has announced that it has unilaterally revoked the authorization granted to Brazil to guard the official building,” the Foreign Ministry added.

One of the refugees, Magalli Meda, said on social media X that the police have “taken over” the “accesses” to the residence and that the electricity is “cut off,” something that Omar González, another of the asylum seekers, reported on Friday night.

“Any attempt to interfere or kidnap the asylum seekers who remain in our official residence will be harshly condemned by the international community. Actions such as these reinforce the belief that fundamental human rights are not respected in Maduro’s Venezuela,” warned the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, the government of Javier Milei gave its “recognition to the sister Federative Republic of Brazil” for representing Argentine interests in Venezuela and thanked “its commitment and responsibility in ensuring the safekeeping of Argentine properties in that country.”

Brazil’s response to Venezuela’s action

Argentine embassy staff in Venezuela left the country

For its part, Brazil declared itself “surprised” by the Venezuelan government’s decisionto whom he reminded, in an official note, the character of “inviolability, in the terms of the Vienna Convention” and assured that “he will remain in charge of the custody and defense of Argentine interests until Argentina designates another acceptable State.”

“The Brazilian government highlights the inviolability, under the terms of the Vienna Convention, of the facilities of the Argentine diplomatic mission, which currently houses six Venezuelan asylum seekers, as well as assets and archives,” the statement said. Foreign Ministry in a note.

Since August, Brazil has been responsible for safeguarding the diplomatic missions of Argentina and Peru in Venezuela, as well as representing their interests and citizens in the Caribbean country, following the expulsion of members of both delegations, after rejecting the proclamation of Maduro as the winner of the July 28 elections.

With information from EFE

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2024-09-08 12:12:30



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