“Argentina Ready to Host U20 World Cup: Minister of Economy Signs All Necessary Documentation”

2023-04-17 16:46:00

Photo: Mecon Press

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, affirmed this Monday that the Argentina is “ready for FIFA to announce that it will host the U20 World Cup”following signing all the pertinent documentation on the instructions of President Alberto Fernández in a meeting held this Monday with his Tourism and Sports partner, Matías Lammens, and the head of AFA, Claudio ‘Chiqui’ Tapia.

The head of the Palacio de Hacienda explained that the national government “signed all the decrees, guarantees and international agreements” for the organization of the highest youth soccer competition in the world, to be played between May 20 and June 11.

FIFA, which withdrew the venue from the original host Indonesia due to the country’s refusal to receive the Israeli delegation, will make the designation of Argentina official in the next few hours.according to the president of AFA himself.

Photo Press Mecon
Photo: Mecon Press

Massa congratulated the Argentine sports leadership for “finding the opportunity to carry out an event of this magnitude” that will have a positive impact on “the economy and the country brand.”

“The organization of an event like this not only represents the opportunity for us to have the most important teams in the world competing in a World Cup with what that means, but also because it represents from the economic point of view and from the point of view of the country brand an enormous opportunity; the opportunity to show Argentina to the world and its natural beauties”highlighted the minister following signing the documentation.

Photo Press Mecon
Photo: Mecon Press

“Also – he added – to show us as a government the organizational capacity accompanying the AFA as we have committed to signing the guarantees before FIFA and the opportunity to receive thousands of tourists, generate foreign exchange, work and receive technology that the organizers international level bring to the development of this event”.

Massa led the meeting on the fifth floor of the Palacio de Hacienda, accompanied by Lammens and Tapia, at a large table around which more than 20 AFA executives sat, including vice presidents Rodolfo D’Onofrio, Guillermo Raed and David Garzón, the general secretary Víctor Blanco and the treasurer Pablo Toviggino.

#ready #FIFA #announce #Argentina #host #World #Cup



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