Argentina once again condemned the invasion of Ukraine before the UN and asked Russia “to cease the illegitimate use of force”

Argentina before the UN assembly

The representative of Argentina in the UN Maria del Carmen Squeff expressed the condemnation of our country to the “invasion” that Ukraine suffers at the hands of Russia, in the 11th special period of emergency sessions. The sixth day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine began with increased tension in Kiev, increasingly besieged by troops sent by Vladimir Putin, while bombing continues in other parts of the country.

“The Argentine Republic repudiates the invasion of Ukraine and reiterates to the Russian Federation that it immediately cease the illegitimate use of force as well as military operations on Ukrainian territory,” Squeff said in his speech.

In addition, he highlighted the message of one of the UN Secretary Generals, who referred “with great concern to the decision of the Russian government to put its nuclear forces on alert when he said and I quote ‘this is a chilling development, the simple idea of a nuclear conflict is inconceivable, nothing can justify the use of nuclear weapons’”.

“We have established clear principles regarding weapons of mass destruction, in particular the use of nuclear weapons. At the same time that we defend the peaceful use of nuclear energy and non-proliferation, we must move towards the total destruction of a weapon that threatens the destruction of the planet”, stressed Squeff.

In this sense, he considered “essential to repeat the importance of defending the charter of the United Nations and respect for the pre-eminence of the law of international relations.”

“No territorial acquisition can be recognized as legal from the use or threat of use of force, It is the logical consequence of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every State,” he added.

According to the Argentine representative, “international law has established general principles that we have all recognized and we cannot afford to choose when they are or are not applicable, such as any attack once morest the territorial integrity of a State.”

In recent days, the Argentine government has hardened its position in the face of attacks by Vladimir Putin to Ukraine when exhibiting at the United Nations Human Rights Council. The chancellor santiago cafiero demanded that the Russian Federation “immediately cease the use of force and condemn the invasion of Ukraine as well as military operations on its territory.”

During his presentation, the official indicated: “What is not legitimate is resorting to the use of force and violating the territorial integrity of another State as a way of resolving a conflict. Preventive wars are reprehensible because they are not lawful. There is diplomacy to discuss.”

In addition, at the opening of the ordinary sessions, the president Alberto Fernandez He called for a minute of silence for the victims and added: “The peace of the world is disturbed by the military invasion of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. Europe is moved as the specter of war rises once more. Once once more, warlike violence destroys human lives.”

Until today, Argentina had had changing positions regarding the war conflict. In a first instance, she issued a statement that did not mention Russia, nor did it make a formal claim to the Principle of Territoriality. This serious technical omission, which can facilitate the arguments of the United Kingdom in the conflict over the sovereignty of the Malvinas, was corrected this Monday at the UN.




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