Argentina has requested to be a “global partner” of NATO

Argentina requested to be a “global partner” of NATO in the framework of a meeting held this Thursday between Argentine Defense Minister Luis Petri and the Deputy Secretary General of the multilateral organization, Mircea Geoana, official sources reported.

Through the social network X, the head of the portfolio published and disseminated his ministry, Petri presented “the letter of intent that expresses Argentina’s request to become a global partner of this organization.”

Petri assured that will continue “working on recovering links “that will allow us to modernize and train our forces to NATO standards.”

The text was accompanied by photographs – including one of the delivery of the official letter – of his meeting with Geoana in Brussels, where the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is located.

Argentina’s rapprochement with NATO is linked to the new foreign policy developed by the government of ultra-liberal Javier Milei, which has the United States and Israel as its reference points.

In addition to the recent visit to Argentina by the commander of the United States Southern Command, Army General Laura Richardson, with the aim of expanding defense cooperation, the South American country is clearly aligned with Israel both in the war in the Gaza Strip once morest the armed wing of Hamas and in the recent crisis unleashed with Iran.

More regarding NATO

As its official site shows, the NATO has 32 full members. Born following the Second World War (1939-1945), twelve countries signed their accession in 1949: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the United States, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

They were joined, in various enlargements, by Greece, Turkey, Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Finland and Sweden – the last two additions, in 2023 and 2024, respectively, once morest the background of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

In addition, it has several allies qualified as global partners, the same status that Argentina now seeks: Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Colombia, the only Latin American country admitted in 2017.

*With information from EFE*

#Argentina #requested #global #partner #NATO
2024-07-19 23:45:50



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