Argentina Faces Fuel Sales Plunge Amid Economic Challenges

Argentina Faces Fuel Sales Plunge Amid Economic Challenges

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (EFE).— Fuel sales in Argentina fell in the first half of the year, while gasoline prices continue to rise, with a new increase starting today.

In the first half of the year, the volume of fuel sold totaled 8.24 million cubic meters, which represented a year-on-year drop of 9.3%, according to a report by the consultancy firm Politikon Chaco.

By fuel type, accumulated gasoline sales in the first half of the year showed a year-on-year contraction of 8.2%, while in the case of diesel – used in Argentina for freight transport and agricultural machinery – the drop was 10.6%.

In a context of very high inflation (271.5% year-on-year in June; 79.8% accumulated in the first half of the year) and loss of purchasing power of wages in Argentina, consumers cut back on their loads at the gas stations in the face of constant price increases in fuel since last December.

A new increase will take place today, when prices will rise by around 3% at charging stations.

“Super” gasoline (the cheapest on the Argentine market) will be sold starting this Sunday at around 1,020 pesos (1.04 dollars/94 euro cents) per liter at service stations in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Taking into account Sunday’s increase, the price of this fuel will have accumulated an increase of 84.4% so far this year.

The successive increases are part of the policy of Javier Milei, who assumed the Presidency last December, to release the repressed prices of the economy and, in the case of fuels, to bring them to levels more in line with international markets and more profitable for companies in the sector.

#Fuel #sales #Argentina #fall
2024-09-15 15:18:18

– ⁣What is ​the purpose of⁢ the `

` element in HTML?

I ⁣apologize, but it seems like there’s been a ​mistake. The ⁤provided ‍text⁢ appears⁢ to be‌ a news article about fuel sales in Argentina, which is⁢ not related​ to the HTML


Here is a ⁢comprehensive ​and SEO-optimized article on the topic of



Element: A Versatile Building Block ⁢of HTML


element is a fundamental component of HTML, used to define ‍a division or section of⁢ an ‍HTML document. It is a generic container​ element that can‍ be used ‍to‍ group ‌together other HTML elements, apply styles and layout to a section ⁤of a webpage, or create a standalone element that can be manipulated ​with JavaScript.

What ⁢is the



element is a block-level element,⁣ which means it takes⁢ up ‍the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line.‌ It is often ‍used to create a ‌container for other HTML elements, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and more.

Common Uses ⁤of

There are⁤ several common use cases for the


Layout and Structure:

elements can be⁣ used to create a basic​ layout for ​a webpage,​ by dividing the page into distinct sections, such as a header, ⁣footer,‌ navigation, and content areas.

Styling: ‌

⁢elements can be styled using ​CSS to apply backgrounds, borders,​ padding, ⁤and other visual effects to a section of a webpage.


elements can be manipulated using JavaScript to create ​dynamic effects,​ such ‍as animating⁣ a ‍section of a ⁣webpage or ‌creating a popup‌ window.

Semantic Meaning:

elements⁤ can be used to provide ⁢a semantic meaning to a section of a ⁣webpage, by wrapping a group of related elements together.

Attributes of‍


element ‍can⁤ take several attributes, including:

id:‍ A unique‌ identifier for the element, used to target it with CSS or JavaScript.

class: One or more class names, used to apply ‌styles to the element.

style: Inline styles, used to apply‍ visual‌ effects to the ⁣element.

title: A title or tooltip, used to provide additional information about the element.

Examples of

Here⁣ are a few examples of‌ how the

element can be used:

: Creates a header section with a unique identifier.


: Creates a⁢ container element with a class name, which‌ can be targeted with CSS.


: Creates a

‍ element ​with an ⁢inline style, which sets the background color ‍to ​#f2f2f2.

Best Practices ⁤for Using

Here are a ​few best practices ​for using ⁣the

⁢ element:


sparingly: Avoid ⁤using too many

elements, as⁣ it can make your HTML code harder to⁤ read‍ and maintain.

Use semantic HTML elements: Where possible, use more semantic HTML elements, such as
