Arévalo says that he will not rest until he removes Porras and MP rejects accusations – 2024-04-25 11:27:34

The president of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo de León, presented this Tuesday the progress of his first hundred days of Government and assured that he will not rest until he achieves the dismissal of the attorney general, Consuelo Porras, for “threatening democracy”, which generated reactions of the Prosecutor’s Office.

“Some actors like the Public Ministry use their position to intimidate from their trenches the project that the people of Guatemala chose for their future,” said Arévalo de León, during an event commemorating his first hundred days of administration.

Arévalo de León assured that they seek “through legal means” the dismissal of actors who represent a threat to democracy.

Prosecutor Porras has been internationally accused of having tried to reverse the electoral victory of Arévalo de León, obtained in the 2023 elections.

The Guatemalan president highlighted that during his government 34 complaints have been filed for cases of corruption that occurred during the Administrations of his predecessors and added that “many more will follow,” he indicated during the event held outside the Ministry of the Interior (Interior).

During his first hundred days of Government, Arévalo de León denounced anomalies in the purchase of 16 million doses of Sputnik vaccines by former president Alejandro Giammattei (2020-2024) and also a possible million-dollar fraud in the construction of 14 schools in different regions from the country.

The president highlighted that to achieve the fight against corruption, “an independent Justice System is required that punishes those responsible for the assault of resources that belong to all Guatemalans.”

Highlights diplomatic alliances

“We have had an important alliance with different international actors, such as the president and vice president of the United States, from whom we have received a development cooperation offer of more than US$130 million,” highlighted Arévalo de León.

Furthermore, the president indicated that he is negotiating agreements with the European Union and has contact with friendly countries “that are supporting the frontal struggle of the people of Guatemala for democracy.”

The transition path towards the presidency of Arévalo de León was marked by a political crisis led by the Prosecutor’s Office that tried, through different criminal cases, to reverse his electoral victory, after surprisingly defeating the country’s traditional political class.

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Question accusations

After the president’s statements, the Public Ministry (MP) ruled on the matter and disqualified the accusations.

“The Public Ministry categorically rejects the spurious, malicious and undemocratic accusations made by the President of the Republic, Bernardo Arévalo de León, this day during the presentation of the actions promoted in the one hundred days of his government,” the MP says in a statement. .

He adds that “this accusation adds to a series of systematic intimidating attacks of which the Public Ministry personnel have been subjected, through a repetitive pattern of coercion and violation of their human rights, for which the institution previously held the authorities responsible. corresponding to any situation that threatens the integrity, life and safety of officials and employees of the Public Ministry.”

The Prosecutor’s Office details that it regrets that in a speech in which it was expected to see results and actions developed for their benefit, it was used to “promote political propaganda on a continuous basis.”

“That is why the Executive and all the institutions that comprise it are urged to execute resources with transparency, responsibility and increase efforts to provide the results that the population expects and deserves so that in this way we can have a prosperous Guatemala. safe, strong and firm..”, concludes the document.

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