Arévalo: Committed to Exposing Corruption in Defense Just as in Other Agencies


President Bernardo⁢ Arévalo Addresses Army Transparency and Integrity

On September 2, President Bernardo Arévalo was questioned regarding his requirements for⁢ the Guatemalan Army ⁢ to avoid ⁢associations ‍with non-transparent sectors. His statements were made‌ during a press ​conference where he elaborated on the 2025 Budget Project.

Arévalo highlighted the need for a more transparent relationship between the Army and government entities, noting that past government actions involved practices‌ of interference and cronyism that compromised promotions to higher​ ranks and⁣ appointments ⁣to key positions in the Army.

According to Arévalo, previous decisions were influenced by collusion between external and internal actors within the military institution. “We have decided to close that space to ensure an apolitical Army focused on developing its military professionalism,” he stated.

Addressing concerns about⁢ possible participation of Army elements in illegal activities such as‌ drug trafficking, Arévalo reaffirmed the commitment to a policy of “zero tolerance⁢ for corruption,” applicable to all state​ dependencies.

“Complaints will‍ arise ‍in any ministry when ​someone⁤ engages in misconduct. This principle will ‌also apply to the Ministry of Defense and the Army,” Arévalo explained.

During‍ the recent commemoration of the 151st anniversary of the Polytechnic School ⁢and Cadet Day, Arévalo mentioned that a “thorough analysis” of the⁤ Army’s institutional status revealed “critical weaknesses.”

He expressed concerns about potential practices that could exploit‍ the military institution for the⁣ benefit of politicians and other‍ non-transparent actors, including criminals.

Arévalo condemned practices that diminish the ⁣Army’s integrity, particularly regarding promotions to the rank of general ‌or assignments to positions based on cronyism or political ⁢collusion. He emphasized the importance of⁢ establishing a meritocratic framework for the Army that prioritizes professional values.

He urged military⁢ personnel to avoid ⁣associations with⁤ individuals ⁤or groups whose interests and behaviors hinder the Army’s professional development and the democratic ⁣principles upheld ‍by the Guatemalan Army.


President Bernardo Arévalo Addresses Army⁤ Transparency‌ and⁢ Integrity

Date:⁢ September 2

On September 2, ⁤President Bernardo Arévalo⁣ was ⁢questioned regarding his requirements for the Guatemalan Army to ‌avoid associations‌ with⁢ non-transparent sectors. His statement ​emphasized the importance‍ of⁣ integrity and transparency within‌ the armed forces as integral to the​ nation’s democratic values.

President Arévalo ​highlighted that the military should⁣ operate ⁣strictly within the framework ⁤of accountability ​and public trust. He called for reforms aimed at⁢ increasing oversight and ⁢ensuring that military ⁣actions align‌ with ethical standards.

Further, he mentioned plans ⁣to implement training programs focused on human rights and civilian ⁤relationships to foster a ⁢more trustworthy and transparent military force in Guatemala.

For more ⁤information⁤ on President Arévalo’s initiatives, please visit the official government website.



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