Arequipa: two women involved in the attack on the Caravelí mining camp are sentenced to preventive detention

After a week of hearings, justice finally ruled on the attack on the Nemerlin mining camp, in Cahuacho, Caravelí.

The Caravelí Preliminary Investigation Judge, Pamela Suarez Gonzales, ruled nine months of preventive detention for two of the 23 people intervened following the conflict that occurred on March 23.

They are Magali Amedalid Mena Guerrero and Lionela Aurora Choque Neyra, both investigated as mediate co-authors of the attack on the camp.

The criminal prosecutor of Caravelí, Yolanda Martínes Ríos, opened a file for the alleged crimes of a criminal gang, arbitrary exercise of a right, crime of manufacturing, supplying or trending of hazardous materials and hazardous waste, and crime of manufacturing, marketing, use or possession of weapons, to the detriment of the State.

On the other hand, the magistrate ordered an appearance with restrictions for the other 21 people intervened. Although, previously, they must deposit the sum of 1 thousand soles as a guarantee, in addition to complying with rules of conduct.

planned attack

According to the investigation by the Public Ministry, a group of people violently entered the Nemerlin SAC mining camp. They removed the occupants and pretended to settle in their place. For this they used explosives without authorization.

Protected witnesses indicated that Magali Mena Guerrero, Lionela Aurora Choque Neyra and Joel Quispe López planned this attack. They hired the other investigated, transferred them to that area and provided them with weapons and ammunition.

For the prosecutor, all these crimes can add up to a probable sentence of up to 16 years if they are proven in court.

But also, the prosecutor’s office has noted that the conflict zone, in Caravelí, is a buffer area of ​​the Cotahuasi sub-basin landscape reserve, in accordance with Resolution No. 055-2022-MINEM/CM of February 22, 2022, of the Council of the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Therefore, extractive activities such as mining would not be allowed.

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