«Aren’t gut feelings the start of everything in marketing?» – Nathalie Noël im Interview – m&k

Nathalie Noël, Chief Marketing Officer of V-Zug, has been nominated for the title of CMO of the Year 2024. In an exclusive interview, she talks about gut feelings, sustainability and the ups and downs of marketing.

Beat Hürlimann – 19 August 2024

For Nathalie Noël, the nomination for CMO of the Year is more than just personal recognition. She sees it as a confirmation of V-Zug’s strategy to modernize, differentiate and expand the brand internationally. But above all, she celebrates the hard work of her teams, who have achieved great things in a short space of time.

Noël’s “elevator pitch” for V-Zug is clear and convincing: customers are not only investing in elegant and innovative appliances, but also in the highest standards in terms of quality, environmental responsibility and durability.

Uplift for the brand: customer centricity and global expansion

For Noël, the biggest “uplift” of the last year was the general strengthening of the brand. V-Zug has used its core DNA to build a differentiated brand and a true global player. A particular focus was on customer interaction, which is reflected in the opening of numerous V-Zug Studios worldwide and the redesign of all digital touchpoints.

Gut feeling and data: The formula for success in marketing

The campaign “Switzerland, our home” triggered a particularly positive gut feeling. It celebrated the values ​​that drive V-Zug – Swiss values. Confirmation came from positive customer feedback and excellent KPIs, especially in terms of engagement.

For Noël, gut feelings are the beginning of everything in marketing. At V-Zug, however, these are “elaborated”, i.e. underpinned by market research, customer feedback and data analysis. This minimises the risk of relying solely on the intuition of a few.

Getting stuck and moving forward: The culture of testing and learning

Marketing can also experience stagnation. Noël then relies on the motto “do undo to better redo”. Everything can be improved and projects are never really finished. To overcome the fear of “never being finished”, she promotes a culture of testing, failing or succeeding and learning from it.

Sustainability at V-ZUG: More than just a trend

For Noël, as a marketer, sustainability is an important responsibility towards society. V-Zug goes beyond legal requirements and customer expectations. Sustainability is deeply anchored in the company’s DNA, from the 15-year guarantee on spare parts to the company’s own V-Forest to recyclable product designs and resource-saving production.

Gratitude and cooperation: the key to success

Nathalie ends the interview with a big thank you to her team and colleagues. Great marketing is the result of strong collaboration – with the markets, sales, technology, IT and all other areas. V-Zug’s “magic formula” is a culture of respect, collaboration and customer focus.

With this combination of gut feeling, data and sustainability, Nathalie Noël and V-Zug have created an inspiring success story that shows what marketing can look like today.



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