Areas exposed to mass landslides caused by rain are identified – 2024-08-02 22:47:45

Due to the influence of a low pressure system and instability in the Pacific Ocean, several regions of Guatemala will be affected by rain from August 2 to 5, which increases the probability of mass movements such as landslides and mudslides that could impact habitable areas and communication routes.

According to the forecast of Insivumeh, several regions of the country will be subject to unstable weather conditions that will bring cloudiness, drizzle and rain accompanied by electrical activity, mainly in the afternoon and at night.

For this reason, Insivumeh has identified populations in which mass movements could occur with high, medium and low impact on populations and communication routes; in addition, it makes some recommendations to the population to avoid incidents.

According to Insivumeh, the populations of San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Quiché and Alta Verapaz are susceptible to the “occurrence of mass movement events such as landslides, detachments, slides, mudflows that can reach considerable magnitudes, mainly in slope cuts and areas of unstable hillsides.”

Map of areas where high-impact landslides could occur. (Photo: Prensa Libre: Insivumeh)

He adds that in these cases, the material dragged by these events can be deposited on communication routes, limiting passage, or occur in populated areas and cause damage to homes and other infrastructure.

In this case, Insivumeh recommends that the population be alert and inform emergency institutions if cracks are observed in the ground or on steep slopes.

In these same populations there is also the probability of medium-impact mass movements occurring that can reach moderate magnitudes, mainly in slope cuts and unstable hillside areas.

“The material can be deposited on communication routes, affecting free circulation along the route, or in populated centers where homes may suffer minor damage,” says Insivumeh.

In addition, there is the possibility of weak to moderate lahars descending into the ravines of the Fuego volcano, while the Santiaguito volcano could experience lahars descending from the dome complex.

Map of areas where mass earth movements with medium and low impact could occur. (Photo Prensa Libre: Insivumeh)

Meanwhile, low-impact mass movements could occur in towns in San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Suchitepéquez, Santa Rosa, Jutiapa, Quiché, Baja Verapaz, Alta Verapaz, Petén and Izabal.

Insivumeh reports that there is a possibility of “mass movement events of the type of collapse, detachment or small-scale landslide, mainly in slope cuts and areas of unstable hillsides.”

“The material can be deposited on roads without interrupting traffic or in populated areas without causing major damage,” says Insivumeh.

River flooding and rising waters

Due to the same rainy conditions, authorities reported that several towns could be affected by rising river levels and flooding.

In these cases, the Insivumeh report details that the impact could be medium in populations of Jalapa, Chiquimula, Jutiapa, Huehuetenango, Quiché and Alta Verapaz.

The river basins belonging to this area are Motagua, Ixcán, Xaclbal, Salinas and Cahabón, according to Insivumeh.

Map of areas where flooding could occur due to rising rivers. (Photo Prensa Libre: Insivumeh)

#Areas #exposed #mass #landslides #caused #rain #identified



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