Are you traveling to Cuba? Take advantage of the free import of food and medicines before it ends

Take advantage of your last chance: travel to Cuba before the extension for free importation of food and medicines scheduled for September 2024 expires.

If you are planning to travel to Cuba, now is the perfect time. The Ministry of Finance and Prices has exceptionally and temporarily extended the deadline for the non-commercial import of food, toiletries and medicines.

This measure, which exempts travelers entering the island with these products from tariffs, will only be in effect until September 30, 2024.

Benefits of tariff exemption

Since its implementation in July 2021, shortly after the 11J protests, this regulation has been renewed several times due to the continued shortage of products in Cuba. However, this could be the last time it is extended.

Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz has warned that some have abused this exemption by importing large quantities of products to resell on the black market.

Conditions and limits

It is essential that those who decide to take advantage of this extension are aware of the conditions established by the General Customs Office of the Republic.

Travelers will be allowed to import non-commercial goods up to a value of US$500 and a maximum weight of 50 kilograms. In addition, the first US$30 of the value of the shipment, or its equivalent in 3 kilograms, will be exempt from taxes. Any excess will be taxed at a 30% tariff.

For those who receive air, sea or postal shipments, the permitted limit will be 200 dollars or 20 kilograms. All these items must be presented in separate packages from the rest of the luggage to be accepted by Customs.

Will this be the last extension?

Marrero Cruz has indicated that the government “is evaluating alternatives to improve the supply in state stores.” This could lead to the elimination of this tariff exemption after September. With the possibility that this may be the last extension, do not miss the opportunity to bring your family in Cuba the essential products they need.

Travel before September 30 and take advantage of this measure while it is in effect. Don’t let time pass you by!

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