Are you the cause of the bad relationship with your child? Bridge those distances – Life & Style

Are you going through that stage of relationship with your child, when he is not even ready to talk to you? Although there was a time, when he could not live even a moment without you. So maybe you are the reason behind the distance of this relationship knowingly or unknowingly. You need to bridge the gap, but how?

After becoming a parent, their children become the center of all their attention. Their whole world revolves around their child, every parent may have a different way of raising their child, but they all have the same goal. And that is the welfare of the child. But always imposing your will, your thoughts and your choice on the child in this effort can have negative effects on him.

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As a parent it is your responsibility to provide proper guidance to your child. Help the child choose a path he likes and follow it. When parents start ignoring their child’s wishes and aspirations, the child also starts to drift away from them.