The vital mineral zinc is found in many foods. It is needed for many cell functions and ensures that the body functions properly. Depending on how strict your diet is or what illnesses you have, your zinc levels could be too low. This can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms, but these can be managed with adequate zinc intake or nutritional supplements.
Curious? Click ahead to learn the causes and symptoms of zinc deficiency and what you can do about it.
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Cell and DNA production
Zinc is an important mineral for our body functions. It helps fight infections, produce new cells, and create DNA.
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Zinc is considered an antioxidant and protects cells from oxidative damage. It is involved in growth and development and also plays a role in our immune system to support wound healing.
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Causes of zinc deficiency
You may be eating enough foods containing zinc and still be deficient in the mineral, depending on whether you have any medical conditions that reduce zinc absorption. For example, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, alcohol abuse and kidney disease can lead to deficiency.
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Causes of zinc deficiency
Certain medications can also inhibit absorption, including diuretics, antibiotics and penicillamines. Iron supplements can also affect zinc absorption.
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Pregnancy and breastfeeding
During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the baby consumes a large part of the nutrients. That’s why zinc deficiency is common at this time.
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Signs of deficiency: 1. Hair loss
Low levels of zinc can lead to hair loss. Although the exact connection between zinc deficiency and hair loss has not yet been fully clarified, it has been proven that people who suffer from hair loss show lower mineral levels.
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1. Hair loss
Studies have used topical and ingested zinc to treat hair loss with positive results. However, thinning hair can also be linked to other factors. Check to see if you have other symptoms of zinc deficiency before assuming it is the cause of your hair loss.
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2. Skin problems
Acne has many possible causes, including makeup, skin care, certain foods, hormones, or even a dirty pillowcase. However, if you have already addressed all of these things and your skin is still not showing any improvement, you should get tested to see if you have a zinc deficiency.
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2. Skin problems
Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the amount of oil and bacteria on the skin that can trigger acne. In some cases, significant improvements have been achieved with both external and oral zinc administration.
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3. Chronic diseases
A number of chronic diseases have been linked to a zinc deficiency. These include diabetes, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases.
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3. Chronic diseases
This is likely because zinc keeps the immune system running and promotes healthy cell growth. If there is not enough zinc available, the body cannot fight free radicals and inflammation. These factors have been linked to chronic diseases.
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4. Poor wound healing
Zinc is an essential mineral for proper immune function. When it is missing, it takes much longer for cuts and scratches to heal because it has important functions in cell growth and repair. You are then also more susceptible to bacterial or viral infections.
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5. Weak eyesight
The eyes contain a large amount of zinc. The retina in particular contains zinc, which is needed for the transport of vitamin A from the liver to the retina.
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5. Weak eyesight
In the retina, vitamin A produces protective pigments that are important for sharp vision. A zinc deficiency can lead to a worse condition Eyesight lead.
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6. Taste changes
Zinc plays a role in various sensory perceptions, including taste and smell. Those who suffer from a zinc deficiency notice little of the taste of their food.
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6. Taste changes
According to current research, taking zinc orally had a positive effect on taste disorders in those affected.
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7. Hearing difficulties
A zinc deficiency can also affect hearing. One study looked at people with tinnitus, 12% of whom were zinc deficient.
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7. Hearing difficulties
Not only that, their symptoms – hearing loss and ringing in the ears – were even more severe than other participants. As an antioxidant, zinc is believed to reduce inflammation in the inner ear.
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8. Interrupted growth
Children can also show symptoms of zinc deficiency. Due to the effects on cell growth and development, deficiency can result in stunted growth.
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8. Interrupted growth
Zinc deficiency is more common in children who do not consume animal proteins (one of the best sources of zinc).
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9. Depression
Studies have shown that zinc deficiency triggers depression-like behavior. When zinc was added, this effect was reversed.
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10. Unexplained weight loss
Zinc is said to affect hormone levels that tell you when the body is hungry or full. The satiety hormones ghrelin and leptin are affected by zinc deficiency and lead to a reduced appetite, which can result in weight loss.
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11. Diarrhea
Zinc is important for the immune response to digestive problems. If you lack it, the stool may become soft. This in turn further increases the deficiency as it reduces absorption.
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Zinc sources
Oysters contain the most zinc per serving. Other foods rich in zinc include red meat, chicken, pork, seafood, fish, nuts and dairy products (yogurt and cheese).
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Vegan diet
If you follow a vegan diet, you should eat beans, lentils and whole grain bread to meet your zinc needs.
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Nutritional supplements
If you have difficulty absorbing zinc from food for health reasons, supplementation may be best for you. If possible, choose a supplement that contains copper (and has no interactions), as zinc supplementation can deplete copper in the body.
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Slowed growth
Babies with a zinc deficiency often experience slowed growth and difficulty gaining weight. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should seek medical advice about taking zinc.
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Blood test
Before a specific test for zinc deficiency, the medical staff will likely do a complete blood count and test for electrolytes and thyroid function to rule out other causes of your symptoms.
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Other causes
There is a lot of overlap between the symptoms of zinc deficiency and other diseases, so these should be ruled out first. However, a slight zinc deficiency may not be detected in a test at all or the values may appear normal even if there is a slight deficiency. Talk to your doctor about your individual concerns.
Sources: (Prevention) (Verywell Mind) (Healthline)
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