Are you preparing your resignation? Pope Francis spoke about the importance of learning when to “step aside”

During the Angelus prayer, last Sunday, January 15, the Pope Francisco He pronounced some phrases that were once more interpreted as an anticipation of a possible resignation: “Freeing oneself from one’s attachments and stepping aside is difficult, but it is important to always do so” and “learn to say goodbye”.

The prayer that took place, as every week, in Saint Peter’s Square collected the testimony of John the Baptist regarding Jesus, which, according to the Pope’s words, revealed his “spirit of service” and spoke regarding detachment from roles, positions and Above all, regarding knowing when it’s time to get away from them.

Francisco has his resignation letter signed and will be opened in case of serious illness

“Let’s think regarding how important it is for parents, who raise their children with many sacrifices and then must leave them free to go their own way. It is beautiful and fair that parents continue to ensure their presence by saying to their children: “we do not leave them alone”; but discreetly, without intrusion. And the same goes for other areas. Freeing oneself from one’s attachments and knowing how to accept a dice is difficult, but it is very important: it is the decisive step to grow in the spirit of service without expecting anything in return”, the Pope continued.

Considering his recent statements, from last December, where Bergoglio revealed, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper ABC, that he had signed his resignation “in case of impediment for medical reasons”, rumors grew regarding a possible resignation in the future.

Resignations in the Vatican

Confirmed the rumor, we would not be facing the only case in the history of the Vatican. Own Code of Canon Law, contemplates in its articles the possibility of resignation; requiring for her only that it be formally manifested and released. The peculiar thing is that the Code does not establish that it must be approved; it would be enough, only, with the mere declaration of the Pontiff.

Throughout Roman apostolic history there were several similar cases. The most recent, and perhaps best known, was the case of Benedict XIV, or according to his secular name Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; who resigned from the pontificate on February 11, 2013alleging his advanced age and lack of strength to diligently perform his role.

An explosive book by Georg Gänswein and conservatives conspire to get Francis to resign

Until today this continues to be the most contemporary case of the Catholic Church since the last Pope to resign, before Benedict, was Clement VIII in the year 1429.

One of the most famous cases in history was that of Clementino V, who resigned from his position following only five months of taking office with Supreme Pontiff. The Pope, who lived a retired and prayerful life in the mountains, presented his resignation, alleging that he did not feel prepared to carry out the entrusted task.

With them we would have, throughout history, only six cases of resignation.

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