Are you one of the richest ten percent?

Some groups of the population stand out: For example, it can be seen that couples whose children no longer live in the household make up 27.1 percent of the highest-income percent. In the general population, they are only represented with 9.3 percent. The couples with children in the household are neither under- nor over-represented in the upper income bracket, because their share in the top ten, five and one percent is roughly one fifth each. This also corresponds to their average share in the total population of 20.4 percent.

Couples without children are represented above average in the upper income bracket compared to the proportion of the total population: There they make up 4.6 percent, in the top ten percent, i.e. the highest-income Germans, they make up 11.4 percent and in the top five percent even 13.3 percent. Almost every twelfth couple without a child belongs to the top percent.

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