Are you going to travel? See 5 tips to avoid earache in the car and on the plane

2024-01-01 15:21:18

Airplane or car travel can cause earache and other discomforts. They include pain or pressure in the head, teeth and even the face. This sensation occurs due to the sudden change in pressure during takeoff and landing, or due to the height at which the car is located.

“This discomfort may pass within a few minutes after the end of the trip, but depending on the duration of the flight, this may increase”, explains otorhinolaryngologist Bruno Borges de Carvalho Barros.

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Thinking about how to avoid pain, the expert gives five valuable tips for anyone planning to travel during the holidays.

1 – Perform the Valsalva maneuver

This is a method that increases intrathoracic pressure to equalize ear pressure. “It consists of inhaling, keeping your mouth closed and pinching your nostrils with your fingers while forcing air out through your nose. You need to be careful to control the force of the air so as not to make the pain even worse,” he explains.

2 – Chew

According to the otorhinolaryngologist, chewing gum or foods, preferably hard, such as apples or carrots, can help balance pressure in the ear and prevent pain. This is because this movement forces the facial muscles to move, and swallowing helps to reduce the feeling of a blocked ear.

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3 – Cause yawning

Yawning helps with the movement responsible for activating the bones and muscles of the face, releasing the auditory tube and favoring pressure balance, points out the doctor.

Read the full article on the Saúde em Dia portal, a partner of Metropolises.

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