Are tropical diseases like malaria threatening?

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  3. Health

Created: 09/06/2022 3:26 p.m

Von: Janine Napirca


Is climate change bringing tropical diseases to Germany? Here’s what you should know regarding mosquito bites.

Climate change has serious consequences worldwide. Among other things, spread dem According to the President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, more and more mosquitoes in Germany are spreading new diseases. Below you can read regarding the diseases that tropical mosquitoes can transmit and how you can best protect yourself from mosquito bites.

These tropical mosquitoes, which can transmit diseases, already exist in Germany

Long gone are the days when only travelers were plagued by tropical mosquitoes. There are now three tropical mosquitoes in particular that have spread in Germany and can transmit various diseases.

  • Asian tiger mosquito
  • Asian bush mosquito
  • Korean bush mosquito
Do we have to worry regarding tropical diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in the future due to climate change? © Antonio Guillen Fernández/Imago

Which tropical diseases are coming to Germany due to climate change?

The following diseases can be reported by are transmitted by mosquitoes:

West-Nil-Virus Flu symptoms, skin rash, inflammation of the brain
Japanese encephalitis Headache, fever, meningitis, 50% of severe cases result in death
Chikungunya fever severe body aches, high fever
Zika-Virus especially dangerous for pregnant women, skin rash, headache, muscle and joint pain, conjunctivitis, fever
Dengue fever Spread worldwide increased, febrile illness, can be fatal
Malaria feverish illness, headache, back pain, fever and chills, no vaccination protection available, can lead to death in certain cases if left untreated
yellow fever Severe viral infection, first a flare-up of fever and then severe liver inflammation, around 20% die, causal drug therapy not possible

Should you see a doctor following a mosquito bite?

You usually do not need to seek medical attention for a mosquito bite, as the typical symptoms – itching and reddening of the skin – go away on their own following a few days. However, no matter how hard it is, you should not scratch the affected areas. Otherwise the puncture site might become inflamed. It is better to grab an ice cube or a cooling compress to relieve the itching caused by the mosquito bite. dr medical Ulrike Thieme, the medical director at ZAVA Germany, also recommends paying attention to other symptoms. If fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint, muscle and limb pain, diarrhea or chills occur, this can indicate an infection and you should see a doctor.

How to protect yourself from mosquito bites that transmit tropical diseases?

To protect once morest mosquito bites, it is worth avoiding heavily perfumed products and taking regular showers, as mosquitoes are attracted to strong odors. Wearing clothing that covers your body and is as light-colored as possible, such as long pant legs and long-sleeved tops, is also very useful.

To prevent mosquito bites in Germany, the doctor recommends anti-mosquito sprays or creams from the pharmacy. In the future, however, stronger mosquito repellents that have so far been recommended for tropical travel destinations – for example sprays with the highly effective active ingredient DEET – might be necessary. Insect screens or impregnated mosquito nets can also protect once morest mosquitoes that transmit tropical diseases.



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