Are mosquito traps an additional tool in the fight against vector-borne diseases? |Handbar

2021-11-16 14:15:28

In recent decades, several mosquito-borne diseases, including dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika virus, have spread beyond the tropics. The use of mosquito traps in addition to or as an alternative to other control technologies to limit viral spread is only a few years old. In France, the regional health agency (ARS) designates the operator responsible for the intervention Limit the spread of mosquitoes. There are about fifteen operators, but not all of them use the traps in the same way. ANSES conducted a literature review to evaluate the effectiveness of operator use of mosquito traps as part of vector control.

Several ways to attract female mosquitoes

exist Two main types of traps Used against female mosquitoes, which are the only mosquitoes that bite and transmit pathogens. The first is to imitate a nesting site, consisting of a container filled with water, and using various means to capture females that come to lay eggs: insecticides, sticky strips, etc. The latter simulates the breathing of organisms through the diffusion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or attracts them using visual or olfactory attractants (for example, through the use of acids to simulate human body odor).

Control means used in addition to other technologies

« We have plenty of evidence that both types of traps can be effective preventatively, reducing mosquito populations over the medium to long term (weeks, months or even years), provided they are well maintained and available in sufficient numbers.Johanna Fite, director of Anseth’s “Vector” mission, explains. They are not a magic solution. Traps are most effective when used in conjunction with other means of control, including elimination of larval breeding sites. »

There are no studies on the impact of traps on disease transmission

Some operators use traps when vector-borne diseases are detected. So traps were set up around the homes of infected people for three to six weeks. Based on its expertise, ANSES has not found any data on how effective traps are at quickly limiting the spread of disease when the virus is already circulating. Therefore, the agency recommends conducting studies to collect such data and Determine optimal deployment conditions These traps are set according to different possible epidemiological scenarios, especially in the presence of isolated cases, outbreaks or epidemics. Until further data are available, mosquito traps may only be used as Precautionsor when pesticides cannot be used, such as when the area to be treated is near a watercourse or is difficult to reach.

Reminder of necessary regulations

Carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other substances used to attract female mosquitoes are all bactericidal substances. Therefore, traps using them must comply with Fungicide regulations and benefit from Authorization to Marketing (AMM). So far, France has not submitted an MA application for mosquito traps using carbon dioxide. Authorization for sale of traps based on combustion-generated carbon dioxide under transitional regime Until July 2022. After this date, Traps can no longer be sold in France without marketing authorization. MA application documents must provide written proof of the trap’s effectiveness and safety in use. Finally, claims such as “zero nuisance” or “mosquito-free house” made on certain devices must not be made without evidence to support their claims.

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