Are hyperuricemia and diabetes the fault of “food”? Laohuotang or one of the culprits?Watch out for diet traps that are often overlooked – Ming Pao Health

The increasing incidence of hyperuricemia and diabetes is originally related to the dysfunction of the body’s metabolism. Although uric acid and high blood sugar may not be entirely related to diet, poor or unbalanced eating habits have a profound impact on the control and prevention of the two diseases. Do you want to fall into the trap of disease because of “eating”? There are registered dietitians to teach you how to pay more attention to some eating habits that are easy to ignore, such as old soup, fruit juice, porridge, noodles and rice that many people love to drink, which may be the cause of uric acid and blood sugar out of control. Therefore, we must beware of these diet traps!

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Hyperuricemia: the fault of eating more Gopurin food?

To understand the relationship between diet and hyperuricemia, we must first understand the mechanism of uric acid formation. Luo Mingjun, a registered dietitian at Sanatorium and Hospital, pointed out that uric acid is a breakdown product of Purine (also known as “purine”), regarding 80% of which is produced by metabolism, and the remaining 20% ​​comes from daily diet. Under normal circumstances, most of the uric acid will be excreted through the urine, but genetics, diseases, and drugs may affect the body’s ability to process uric acid, resulting in an increase in uric acid concentration.

He added that men, people with family medical history, old age and obesity are all high-risk groups; people who often eat high-purine food will also increase the risk of hyperuricemia. 580w, 232w, 116w" sizes="(max-width: 580px) 100vw, 580px" type="image/webp"> 580w, 232w, 116w" sizes="(max-width: 580px) 100vw, 580px" type="image/jpeg">
(pexels photo)

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Diet traps and suggestions for patients with hyperuricemia

“Generally speaking, food contains purine, which is difficult to avoid completely. However, the content of purin in different foods varies. Therefore, patients with hyperuricemia and high-risk groups should try to eat less high-purin food, such as red meat, offal, Shellfish, shrimps and crabs, etc.” Luo Mingjun reminded that many people can’t put it down, because the meat soup is cooked for a long time, it will release Purin into the soup over time, so the more you drink, the chance of uric acid rising bigger.

He suggested that those who like soup but are afraid of high uric acid, or patients with known hyperuricemia should use boiling soup or vegetable soup instead of Laohuo soup. If it is not “broth”, they should reduce the amount of soup and meat cooked Time, taking it early will help reduce the level of purin in the soup.

Drink enough water every day to remove uric acid and prevent stones

In addition to paying attention to the intake of purin, drinking two liters of water a day is also indispensable, because enough water can help the body eliminate uric acid and prevent stone formation; if you have other diseases or medication restrictions, you need to limit water , you should follow the doctor’s instructions. 940w, 300w, 150w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 940px) 100vw, 940px" type="image/webp"> 940w, 300w, 150w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 940px) 100vw, 940px" type="image/png">Are hyperuricemia and diabetes the fault of
(Health Net picture)

Diabetes: Too much sugar/sweet craving?

Luo Mingjun said that diabetes can be divided into type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is generally caused by congenital factors that cause insufficient insulin secretion from the pancreas; type 2 diabetes is caused by acquired factors, such as obesity, poor Lifestyle and eating habits can reduce insulin sensitivity and increase blood sugar, among which obesity is the biggest risk factor.

“Sugar addiction can indeed lead to obesity, but it is not entirely correct to say ‘too much sugar causes diabetes’.” He explained, because the factors that affect blood sugar not only include the sweet “sugar” that ordinary people know, but Contains all carbohydrates, also known as “sugars”, and the intake of “sugars” is the key to effective control and prevention of diabetes.

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fight diabetes quit sugarsuppressOr quit sugar?

Many people think that the only way to control or prevent diabetes is to quit sugar completely, but Luo Mingjun emphasizes that in fact, many foods contain natural sugar, such as grains, fruits and dairy products. If you completely quit sugar, it may affect the balanced diet and lead to insufficient intake of certain nutrients. In fact, diabetics do not need to completely stop eating all sugar. Instead, they should avoid adding extra sugar to their diet. More importantly, strictly control carbohydrates (sugar) intake. 667w, 200w, 100w" sizes="(max-width: 667px) 100vw, 667px" type="image/webp"> 667w, 200w, 100w" sizes="(max-width: 667px) 100vw, 667px" type="image/png">Are hyperuricemia and diabetes the fault of
Luo Mingjun, a registered dietitian at Sanatorium and Hospital, pointed out that hyperuricemia and diabetes are chronic metabolic diseases. To effectively control and prevent these two diseases, a balanced diet and moderate exercise are indispensable.

“Coarse grains and whole grains are the first choice for low-glycemic index foods, while porridge and other pulpy foods are easily absorbed and high-glycemic index foods, so they should be avoided. In addition, it is recommended to eat vegetables first with each meal, and chew food as much as possible , help improve the feeling of fullness and avoid overeating; also pay attention to adequate intake of protein. If you are a diabetic, you should check your blood sugar level two hours following the meal to know whether you have eaten too much carbohydrates. “Luo Mingjun said .

Diet Pitfalls and Advice for Diabetics

He reminded diabetics to be alert to dietary traps. For example, some elderly people may eat less meat in order to eat a light diet, but eat more carbohydrates such as noodles, which will cause blood sugar to soar; young people may also mistake sports drinks and fruit juices for It must be a “healthy” choice, but it ignores the high-sugar trap; as for soup, it may also be the culprit of blood sugar out of control. Some common soup ingredients, such as root vegetables, including pumpkin, Chinese yam, potato, and other legumes, etc. , will increase the carbohydrate content of the soup; the sauces of the dishes also have to be guarded, because most of them are high in sugar, oil, and salt, so they should be avoided if possible.

Prevention of uric acid and hyperglycemia should be done

Both hyperuricemia and diabetes are chronic metabolic diseases, and the two are closely related. Studies have shown that people with high levels of uric acid are twice as likely to develop diabetes as healthy people. If diabetics do not control their blood sugar well, it will affect kidney function and lead to high levels of uric acid.

Luo Mingjun emphasized that the two diseases share a common risk factor: overeating leads to obesity, so diet control is an important part. He encourages the public to develop a balanced diet from a young age, and to do 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise every week Exercise helps burn calories to prevent obesity, and it is also very helpful in controlling uric acid and blood sugar.



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