2023-05-30 08:25:11
How many calories (kcal) are there in a ripe banana?
The banana brings 90 calories pour 100 gwhich is actually above the average for fruits that provide between 50 and 55 calories per 100 g.
However, the caloric value of a banana depends on its stage of maturity (the riper it is, the richer it is in sugar) and its weight, which can range from 100 to 200 g depending on the variety.
The average weight of a fruit banana being 120 g, a standard-sized banana therefore provides regarding 108 calories. For comparison, a nice apple weighs 145 g and provides an average of 75 calories, so the difference is not that significant.
Is the banana a fruit (fast sugar) or a starch (slow sugar)?
Although it contains a small amount of starch, the banana is indeed a fruit and not a starch.
If we detail the nature of the carbohydrates it contains, we find sacharose (7.90 g per 100 g), glucose (3.90 g per 100 g), fructose (3.80 g per 100 g) and starch (3.80 g per 100 g).
Of the 19 g of carbohydrates it contains, more than 15 come from simple sugars, and only 3.8 from complex sugars in the form of starch.
The plantain on the other handmuch less rich in simple sugars and much richer in starch, is considered a starch. It must also be cooked before being consumed, because the starch is indigestible when raw. For 100 g of plantain, there are approximately 125 kcal and 29 g of carbohydrates, half of which is in the form of starch.
Do bananas make you gain weight or lose weight?
If it is, as always difficult to answer this question, insofar as weight gain results from a complete diet and not from a single food, one thing is certain: the banana is indeed one of the most sweet, and we now know that excess sugar is responsible for weight gain. It provides an average of 19 g of carbohydrates per 100 g, including 15 g of sugar, the equivalent of 3 sugar cubes, compared to 10 g for the average fruit.
A medium-sized banana provides only a hundred calories, which is still very reasonable for a dessert. It also contains a large number of various micronutrients such as manganese, potassium and selenium on the mineral side, and vitamin B6 and beta-carotene on the vitamin side.
Last but not least: the starch content and the moderate glycemic index of the banana make it a particularly satiating fruit and therefore a very good option for managing sweet food cravings. Consumed in moderation, the banana is therefore an ideal snack in case of a little peckish or a craving for sugar !
How many bananas can you eat while on a diet?
Our caloric needs vary enormously depending on our metabolism, our physical activity, our size, our age or even our gender. When you want to lose weight, you have to put your body in a slight caloric deficit, to force it to draw on its fat reserves : caloric intake must therefore be slightly lower than expenditure. Once the caloric level has been set to lose weight, you must then have a as varied a diet as possiblein order to cover all our needs in nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Nutritionists generally recommend consuming two to three fruits a day depending on the person, trying to vary between more or less sweet fruits. So we can eat a banana a dayprovided that to alternate with less sweet fruitsuch as strawberries, citrus fruits or melon or watermelon.
What regarding the banana diet?
The banana diet consists of eating as many bananas as desired for breakfast, to make light and balanced lunches and dinners, to never exceed your satiety threshold and to stop eating following 8 p.m. in the evening. Sugar, fat and alcohol are also to be avoided.
If this type of diet has every chance of losing weight, it’s not thanks to the bananas eaten in the morning, but thanks to its low calorie intake. Indeed, it is recommended not to exceed satiety, but the banana is a particularly satiating fruit that is difficult to eat in large quantities. The other two meals are very frugal, and there are many prohibitions. The banana is finally a pretext for the dietbut it is not a slimming food for all that!
Plantain banana, green banana, dried banana: do they make you fat?
The banane plantain – also called green banana due to the color of its skin – is a variety of banana called starchy vegetable, which is consumed as an accompaniment to our savory dishes. It contains both simple carbohydrates and starchas is the case, for example, with sweet potatoes or potatoes. Its caloric value is higher than that of potato, but less than that of white rice.
Starchy foods are foods that should not be excluded from a weight loss diet, because they are sources of complex carbohydrates – fuel for muscles and the brain – are satiating, help limit cravings and help keep blood sugar levels stable: they are ultimately the key to a stable weight!
Be careful however, plantain is often eaten fried : its caloric value is then considerably increased by the contribution of oil with which it is soaked. When you watch your figure, you will therefore opt for baking, boiling or possibly sautéing in a pan.
The dried banana, on the other hand, is a banana from which most of the water has been removed, like dried apricots, prunes or raisins. Their caloric and carbohydrate values are therefore almost 3 times higher per 100 g than those of fresh bananas since they bring 273 calories pour 100 g. They must be limited when watching your line.
Morning or evening: when is it better to eat a banana?
Although we often hear that it is better to eat a banana in the morning for breakfast rather than in the evening, in order to benefit from its energy during the morning, this is not an absolute truth.
First of all, it depends on everyone, his appetite, his desires and his habits. Some people have little appetite in the morning, and are hungry in the evening: a banana at dinner can then be a good idea to satisfy their sugar cravings and fill them up until the next day.
Dinner time is also and what you plan to do following are two things to consider: people who eat dinner early and practice physical activity or stay active in the evening can eat a banana in the evening .
Finally, remember that the most important thing is to respect our caloric and nutritional needs over a day. While the banana be eaten morning or evening doesn’t really matteras long as it is eaten with appetite and pleasure!
#bananas #fattening