“Arcturus Epidemic: Latest Updates and Precautionary Measures Against XBB.1.16 Sub-Mutant of Omicron”

2023-04-17 05:49:29


the occurrence of the virus epidemic situation The latest “SARS-CoV-2” in India may cause us toback to watch An old friend disease that has been with humans for 3 years now once more.

The latest data from the World Health Organization indicates that XBB.1.16 which is a sub-mutant species of That’s Omicron. The epidemic has been found in 22 countries, including countries like Singapore, Australia, and the United Kingdom. and the United States

In India, XBB.1.16 was known simply as “Arcturus” (Arcturus) The epidemic was so severe that the government had to return to enforce special measures to restrain each other once more. from mandating the wearing of masks and training hospitals to prepare themselves

The number of people infected with Arcturus The official 24-hour daily tally in India, released on April 14, rose to 11,109, a steep jump in daily new cases as the previous 24 hours. There were only 7,830 more cases.

This marks the highest number of COVID-19 infections in 24 hours in India in eight months. and bringing the cumulative number of patients to 49,622

We haven’t seen such scary numbers in a long time.

What makes us worry a little more is that Arcturus spreads to create an epidemic situation closer to our home. In countries like Australia and Singapore

In the past Songkran, there may have been a number of tourists who brought it into Thailand.

You XBB.1.16 or Arcturus It is a mutant that originated from two omikron sub-mutants known to scholars as BA.2, XBB.1 and XBB.1.5. once more as it is called “Recombinant” (recombinant)

An unreviewed study by a team of scientists from the University of Tokyo suggests that the combined effects of Arcturus has a 1.17 to 1.27 times higher spread capacity than XBB.1 and XBB.1.5.

Moreover According to preliminary epidemic data, Arcturus has the ability to neutralize antibodies. caused by COVID-19 All previous species This has led experts to worry that it might escape our body’s built-in immunity, whether from a previous infection or from a vaccination.

Another important reason why we should be concerned regarding the Arcturus epidemic. Another more is It caused new symptoms that were not common in previous outbreaks. Moreover, this symptom appears more severe in children. who got this infection

When we are infected with Arcturus The main symptoms that occur are high fever, cough and red eyes.

Red eye occurs when our eyes become infected. In addition to his eyes being red as their name suggests. There is still swelling and itching. Infectious disease epidemiologist Richard Reitinger of the RTI Institute said swollen and itchy eyes had previously been reported as a common symptom in people with COVID-19. in many previous ripples But not much and not very often.

Researchers at the Tullsen Eye Institute in Nebraska, USA, have examined It is caused by the spread of Arcturus into the tear film of an infected person. cause such red eye symptoms.

but for india Dr. Wipin Wasittha, M.D. Pediatrician, who used to hold the position Chairman of the Board of Pediatrics of India Giving information through Twitter that These symptoms were not previously seen in previous waves of infection. especially children

Usually, when a child is infected with COVID The symptoms that appear are usually just symptoms of respiratory infections such as coughing, cold-like symptoms and high fever.

outbreaks in children and causing a torturous disease like conjunctivitis It’s not life threatening.

But every time the children Whether it’s a child, a grandchild, falling ill How tormented the heart of close adult relatives, everyone knows well.

So prevention is better than cure. Once once more, be very careful.

#Bridge #Time #Arcturus #Virus #Outbreak #Situation



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