Arab Parliament Speaker: Israel Employs Deceit to Undermine Peace Efforts

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament said in a statement to RT that Egypt’s position is clear and explicit, and we believe in the Egyptian position that strongly supports the Palestinian cause, in the face of misleading Israeli claims and lies that are in line with the Israeli approach of concealing the facts with the aim of obstructing the mediation efforts led by Egypt to cease fire and stop the brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament said that the statements issued by the Israeli Prime Minister from time to time against Egypt reflect the failure of the occupying entity at the domestic level, and reveal the falsity of its claims to mislead world public opinion at the external level, and distract the attention of the international community from the clear policies of intransigence followed by the occupying entity to thwart all Arab and international efforts aimed at a ceasefire.

He stressed Egypt’s pioneering efforts to achieve security and stability in the region, affirming that it “does not need a certificate and is appreciated at all Arab, regional and international levels,” in addition to its sincere positions defending the rights of the Palestinian people, foremost of which is the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said a few days ago that the factions’ movement obtains weapons from Egypt through the Philadelphi Corridor, and that he was careful not to let a pin enter Gaza from our side, but they armed themselves through the Philadelphi Corridor and Egypt.

The Philadelphi Corridor is a 14-kilometer border strip between Gaza and Egypt, and is considered a buffer zone under the peace agreement signed between Cairo and Tel Aviv in 1979. Since the outbreak of the Gaza War and the Israeli army’s launch of extensive operations in the northern Gaza Strip, the Philadelphi Corridor has become a crisis between Cairo and Tel Aviv.

Source: RT

#Arab #Parliament #Speaker #Israel #accustomed #lies #obstruct #efforts #stop #war
2024-09-16 16:07:22

What is the⁣ purpose of ‍the⁤ `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but‌ the provided text⁢ does not ⁤seem to be related⁣ to the HTML element

. The text appears to be a political statement or news article regarding the ‍Arab-Israeli conflict ⁣and Egypt’s ⁤stance on‍ the Palestinian cause.

If you meant to request an article about⁤ the HTML ‍element

, I’d be happy to provide one. Here’s ⁢a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:


Element: A Fundamental Building Block of HTML


⁢ element is ⁤a fundamental building block of HTML, used to define‌ a division or a section ​of an HTML document. It is a ‌generic container element that can be‍ used to group elements for styling, layout,‍ or semantic purposes.

What is the


The ⁤

element is a block-level‍ element that is used ⁣to wrap other HTML elements. It ‍is a container element that can contain a variety of elements, including ⁢text, images, links, forms, tables, and more. The

element is often used to create ​a ⁣logical grouping of elements, making it easier to style and layout content on a web page.

How to Use the


The basic⁢ syntax of the

element is as follows:

Content goes here


element ⁤can ⁤be used in a variety of ways, ‍including:

Grouping elements: Use the

⁤ element to group related elements together, making it easier to style and layout content.

Creating sections: Use⁢ the

⁢element to create sections of content, such as ‍headers, footers, or ⁢sidebars.

Styling ⁣content: Use ⁢the

element to apply styles ⁤to a group‌ of ⁣elements, such⁢ as background colors, borders, or text formatting.

Semantic meaning: ⁣Use the

element to add semantic meaning to a⁤ group of elements, making it easier for search engines and screen readers ​to ‌understand the structure‍ of a web page.

Attributes of ​the



element can ‌have a variety of attributes, including:

id: A unique identifier for the element.

class:⁢ A space-separated​ list of⁤ class names to⁣ apply to the element.

style: ⁢A string⁢ of CSS styles to⁣ apply to the element.

title:‌ A tooltip or hover text to​ display when the user hovers over the element.

Best Practices for Using the

⁣ Element

Use the

element sparingly: Only ⁢use the

element ⁢when necessary, as excessive use can‌ lead to ‌”div-itis” and make a web ‍page’s HTML structure difficult to read and maintain.

Use ‌semantic elements when possible: When⁣ possible, use semantic elements such as
