Aqueducts between provinces

2023-11-09 03:20:00

Enrique Omar Driussi, DAYS 12,638,127

In Argentina, managing water surpluses is a priority. We went from torrential rains, overflows and floods that cause enormous damage to urban populations and productive areas of the agricultural and livestock sector, to periods of drought, producing million-dollar losses in dollars.

Likewise, in our region, due to the greater accumulation of snow and the dispensing of dams to cover electrical energy requirements, the flow of the Limay River has increased to 900 cubic meters per second, well above 540 m3/s. established by the Interjurisdictional Authority of Cuencas.

Knowing that these events are recurring and predicted in advance, it is worth asking why the construction of interprovincial aqueducts to channel surplus water resources to areas that demand water for consumption is not included in the budgets of the Nation and the provinces involved. and productive irrigation? In addition, artificial reservoirs or lagoons might be formed to deal with frequent grassland fires.

There is a lot of talk regarding regionalism, but this implies true economic and commercial integration of a certain geographic area. If the objective of our country is the use of the largest productive surface, these strategic investments should be co-financed by jurisdictions with common interests, together with the National State.

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