Among other things, there is no longer any need to clap the rhythm, and the sports and drawing parts are also omitted. Among other things, diversity is to be promoted, according to the explanations to a regulation from the Ministry of Education.
Anyone who wants to start training as a kindergarten teacher currently has to pass an aptitude test of up to four hours. This currently consists of four parts – musical ability to form, the ability to create, physical agility and resilience as well as contact and communication skills are tested. In the future, only the ability to make contact and communicate should remain.
Those parts of the exam in which a rhythm has to be clapped or a melody has to be sung would be omitted. Proof of swimming ability and, for example, a run or agility run with a final somersault are no longer required. The same applies to checking fine motor and “creative” skills, for example through a drawing.
Proof of contact and communication skills remains
What remains is proof of contact and communication skills. “The focus of the aptitude test should be on social-communicative skills, such as personality development, reflection on one’s own behavior or behavior in the group,” it says in the explanations. It should last two to four hours, similar to before.
A similar draft regulation was already under review last year. But it was not implemented.
A partial aspect of admission to secondary schools and middle schools was also newly regulated. Most recently, the law created the opportunity to focus on English-language training at these schools. For this purpose, the requirements for the corresponding aptitude test are now being created – similar to those that already exist for artistic training or the sports sector.

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