Aprocose to Address Cybersecurity Issues Facing the Insurance Industry at Upcoming Annual Conference

Aprocose will celebrate the next November 13th at the Hotel The Westin in Valencia the XXII edition of its annual event You Want to Knowtitled on this occasion ‘Cybersecurity in the insurance sector: lessons learned and new scenarios’.

The event, which will feature various experts from the sector moderated by Alejandro Mocholivice president of Aprocose, will analyze the cyber threats that threaten the insurance sector and the most effective strategies to face these challenges. He will also highlight the insurance products for cyber protection and will discuss the future of cybersecurity in the sector.

The recent global cyber incident, which occurred on July 19, has highlighted the vulnerability of computer systems and the serious consequences that these attacks can cause. In the insurance sector, cyberattacks can compromise sensitive customer data, disrupt operations and cause multi-million dollar losses.

To Martin Julian Rojopresident of Aprocose, “this 22nd edition of Quiere Saber responds to the objective of continuing to offer highly topical content, doing so in an open and disinterested manner towards the entire insurance sector, thus fulfilling the founding mandate that motivated the creation of Aprocose almost 15 years ago.”

Recent cyber attacks​ on insurance companies

Staying Ahead of ‍Cyber Threats in the Insurance Sector: Expert Insights​ and Strategies

As the world becomes⁢ increasingly interconnected, the insurance sector faces unprecedented cyber threats that can have devastating consequences. In response to this growing concern, Aprocose will host its annual event, “You Want to Know,” on November 13th⁤ at the Hotel The Westin in‍ Valencia. The XXII edition of this event, ⁤titled ⁤”Cybersecurity in the insurance ‌sector: lessons learned⁢ and new scenarios,” will bring together experts ​from the sector to analyze the cyber threats that threaten the insurance industry and discuss effective strategies to mitigate these challenges [[none]].

The Importance of Cybersecurity in the Insurance Sector

The insurance sector is‌ a‌ prime target for cybercriminals, given the sensitive nature of the data it handles. Recent global cyber incidents⁢ have highlighted the need for⁣ insurance companies to stay ahead​ of emerging threats and protect their ​customers’ data. Cybersecurity is no longer‍ a peripheral concern but a critical component of business operations in the‌ insurance sector.

Expert Insights and⁤ Strategies

The event will feature‍ expert speakers from the sector, moderated by Alejandro Mocholi, Vice​ President of​ Aprocose. These experts will share their insights on⁤ the most‍ effective strategies to ⁢combat cyber threats, including the development of insurance products for‍ cyber​ protection. The ⁤event‌ will also provide a platform⁢ for discussions on the future of cybersecurity in the sector, highlighting the need for innovation and​ collaboration.

Global Cybersecurity​ Events and Conferences

The importance ⁢of cybersecurity extends beyond the insurance sector, ⁢with global events and conferences dedicated to addressing cyber threats. ⁢For‌ instance, the ECSO’s Annual CISO Meetup​ 2024 will take ⁤place in Vienna, Austria, on November 4-5, 2024, bringing together Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) ⁤to discuss cybersecurity​ challenges ⁣and share best practices [[1]]. Similarly, the Cybersecurity Summit 2024⁤ will take ⁤place in Sweden, featuring technical talks, demos, and research by cybersecurity specialists‍ [[2]]. Such events highlight the global recognition ⁤of the⁣ importance of cybersecurity and the need for collective action to combat cyber ⁣threats.

Staying Ahead of Emerging ⁣Threats

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber landscape, staying ahead of ​emerging threats requires ongoing education and training. The EMEA ‍Events, for instance, offer expert talks, hands-on ⁢workshops, and discussions on the latest⁤ trends, ⁢emerging threats, and innovative strategies to protect online presence [[3]]. Such events provide valuable ‍opportunities for professionals in the⁤ insurance sector to stay⁤ updated on cybersecurity best practices and emerging threats.


The Aprocose event, “You Want to Know,” is‍ a timely response to the growing concern of cyber threats in the insurance sector. By bringing together experts from‌ the sector, this event will provide valuable insights and strategies for mitigating cyber risks and protecting customers’ data. As the⁤ insurance sector continues to evolve, ‌staying ahead of⁤ cyber threats will⁢ require ongoing innovation, collaboration, and⁤ education. By prioritizing cybersecurity, ​insurance companies can ensure the trust and confidence of their customers and maintain their competitive edge in the market.





Recent cyber attacks on insurance companies

Cybersecurity in the Insurance Sector: Lessons Learned and New Scenarios

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the insurance sector faces unprecedented cyber threats that can have devastating consequences. Recent global cyber incidents have highlighted the need for insurance companies to stay ahead of emerging threats and protect their customers’ data. Cybersecurity is no longer a peripheral concern but a critical component of business operations in the insurance sector.

The Importance of Cybersecurity in the Insurance Sector

The insurance sector is a prime target for cybercriminals, given the sensitive nature of the data it handles. Cyberattacks can compromise sensitive customer data, disrupt operations, and cause multi-million dollar losses. It is essential for insurance companies to prioritize cybersecurity and stay ahead of emerging threats to protect their customers’ data and maintain trust.

Expert Insights and Strategies

To address the growing concern of cyber threats in the insurance sector, Aprocose will host its annual event, “You Want to Know,” on November 13th at the Hotel The Westin in Valencia. The XXII edition of this event will bring together experts from the sector to analyze the cyber threats that threaten the insurance industry and discuss effective strategies to mitigate these challenges.

Cyber Insurance: A Safety Net for Insurance Companies

Cyber insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage to businesses for losses related to damage to, or loss of information from, IT systems and networks [[2]]. It helps companies shoulder the costs of ransomware attacks, data breaches, and other cyber incidents [[1]]. Insurance products for cyber protection are essential for insurance companies to manage cyber risks and protect their customers’ data.

Global Cybersecurity Events and Conferences

The importance of cybersecurity extends beyond the insurance sector, with global events and conferences dedicated to addressing cyber threats. For instance, the ECSO’s Annual CISO Meetup 2024 will take place in Vienna, Austria, on November 4-5, 2024, bringing together Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) to discuss cybersecurity challenges and share best practices [[1]]. Similarly, the Cybersecurity Summit 2024 will take place in Sweden, featuring technical talks, demos, and research by cybersecurity specialists [[2]]. Such events highlight the global recognition of the importance of cybersecurity and the need for collective action to combat cyber threats.

Staying Ahead of Emerging Threats

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber landscape, staying ahead of emerging threats requires ongoing education and training. The EMEA Events, for instance, offer expert talks, hands-on workshops, and discussions on the latest trends, emerging threats, and innovative strategies to protect online presence [[3]]. Such events provide valuable opportunities for professionals in the insurance sector to stay updated on cybersecurity best practices and emerging threats.


The Aprocose event, “You Want to Know,” is a timely response to the growing concern of cyber threats in the insurance sector. By bringing together experts from the sector, this event will provide valuable insights and strategies for mitigating cyber risks and protecting customers’ data. As the insurance sector continues to evolve, staying ahead of cyber threats will require ongoing innovation, collaboration, and education. By



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