April 25, anarchist alarm in the name of Cospito and the anti-Israel fight –

Francesca Musacchio

«25 April of resistance and anti-Zionist». It is the slogan that has been bouncing around the area websites of anarchists and antagonists for Liberation Day for days. A message that wants to claim resistance “to be inspired by what happened 79 years ago, to find strength and determination to face together one of the most difficult moments in recent history”. And Rome locks itself away for a day that might be at risk. Over 600 officers deployed with the security device which started yesterday with checks and clean-ups in Porta San Paolo and the adjacent areas, where the initiatives to which the Police Headquarters and Prefecture pay maximum attention will take place. At 8.30, in fact, the Jewish Brigade will lay a laurel wreath. But in Piazzale Ostiense, at the same time, a demonstration is expected by Palestinian students and anti-fascist and anti-Zionist movements that are part of left-wing antagonism. A particularly tense climate that requires maximum vigilance to avoid any contact.

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And precisely the theme of the conflict in the Middle East and the resurgences of anti-Semitism that have emerged are at the center of the celebrations for April 25th by the antagonistic world. Already the other night, Rome itself was the scene of raids by anarchists who set fire to bins, damaged ATMs and windows of credit institutions in Tuscolano, in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s decision on the sentencing of Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino, the two anarchists detained for the attack on the Allievi Carabinieri school in Fossano on 2 June 2006. Yesterday, in fact, the Supreme Court confirmed 23 years in prison for Cospito and 17 for Beniamino, rejecting the appeals of the defense and the Turin General Prosecutor’s Office . Even today, anarchists might infiltrate demonstrations such as the one at Porta San Paolo and the two marches planned in southern and eastern Rome.

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Support for the Palestinians in an anti-Jewish perspective is the glue of the antagonistic world which however also lashes out once morest the executive, defined as “fascist”. «April 25, 2024 is not the first of the Meloni government, but it is undoubtedly the one in which the effects of the majority’s reactionary and fascist political line are felt most harshly – we read on area websites -. Social rights are increasingly at risk, with the abolition of citizenship income and the precarization of work.” The tense climate can also be felt in Milan, where the alert is high for the national demonstration for Liberation, always opened by deportees and Jewish brigades who, this year, might be the subject of heavy protests. The security device will be used above all in the final phase of the demonstration, which will end in Piazza Duomo, where the various antagonistic realities and Palestinian flags should gather to await the procession.

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#April #anarchist #alarm #Cospito #antiIsrael #fight #Tempo
2024-04-25 17:36:40



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