April 12: what is today’s holiday, traditions and prohibitions

April 12 – Day of workers of the rocket and space industry in Ukraine

photo from open sources

Today you should not clean and do needlework

April 12 is the Day of the Rocket and Space Industry Workers of Ukraine, Scout Day, International Homeless Children’s Day and World Hamster Day. Believers honor the memory of Saint Vasiliy.

Day of workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

The main purpose of this holiday is to thank the workers of the rocket and space industry for their hard work in conducting scientific research, created techniques, etc. The idea of ​​developing rocket theory and conducting interplanetary flights belongs to Ukrainians.

The holiday was established in Ukraine “…taking into account the significant contribution of workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine to scientific research, the creation of modern rocket and space technology and the introduction of high space technologies into the national economy…” in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the Day of Workers of the Rocket and Space Industry of Ukraine” dated March 13, 1997

Scout Day

This youth holiday was started on March 28, 2008. Scouting is a movement aimed at educating young people and involving them in independent personal development.

It focuses on local orientation, sports, camping, etc. The scout movement appeared in 1907 on the initiative of the British Robert Baden-Powell, who created the first scout camp and later developed the theory of scouting. Scouting in Ukraine began in 1911, when the Plast National Organization was opened.

International Day of Homeless Children

The event was launched in 2011. This day aims to draw the attention of humanity to the problem of ignoring children’s rights, raise awareness about the exploitation of child labor, ensure access to various services and provide development opportunities to homeless children.

On April 12, they are organizing various events aimed at disseminating information about violations of the rights of street children, organizing donations, etc.

World hamster day

The date of the celebration was chosen in honor of the start of the domestication of cute animals, which took place on this day in 1930. Then the zoologist Israel Aharoni went to the fields in search of rodents. It all started with Syrian hamsters, which, by the way, remain the most popular type of pet fur today.

What a religious holiday today

April 12 in the church calendar is the Day of St. Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Paria. He lived in the 8th century and was known for his devotion to the Orthodox faith. He was elected to the episcopal chair by the inhabitants of the city of Paria and opposed the iconoclastic heresy, refusing to sign the decree on the destruction of holy icons, adopted at the Council of 754. For his convictions, he endured many persecutions and died, leaving behind an example of pastoral love and dedication.

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What can not be done on this day

  • You can’t quarrel and swear, otherwise trouble will await you.
  • Do not clean.
  • It is forbidden to engage in needlework.
  • It is not allowed to drink alcohol and organize loud entertainment.

Folk signs

  • If it rains, the weather will be the same in the first days of May.
  • A cold but sunny morning – wait for a dry summer.
  • Warm and dry weather – there will be a large harvest of fruit in the summer.
  • A strong wind indicates a windy summer.
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Commemorative events on April 12

  • 1204 – Constantinople is captured by the participants of the Fourth Crusade. Temporary liquidation of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1633 – The Roman Inquisition began a formal investigation into the works of Galileo Galilei.
  • 1709 – the Swedish troops of Charles XII approached the walls of Poltava.
  • 1820 – Alexander Ypsilanti was announced as the leader of the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose goal was to overthrow Ottoman rule over Greece.
  • 1908 – Ukrainian student Myroslav Sichynsky killed the governor of Galicia, Count Andrzej Potocki, as a sign of protest against the chauvinism of Polish government officials.
  • 1912 – in Lviv, Ukrainian Plastun scouts took the Plast Oath for the first time, the Plast youth scout organization was formed.
  • 1917 – World War I: Victory of Canadian troops at the Battle of Vimy.
  • 1934 – the strongest gust of wind on the surface of the Earth (372 kilometers per hour) was confirmed on top of Mount Washington, USA.
  • [1945-VicePresidentHarryTrumantooktheoathofofficeandbecamethe33rdleaderoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica
  • 1955 – The polio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk is declared safe and effective.
  • 1961 – the Vostok-1 spacecraft with Yuri Gagarin on board made the first flight into space. This date is World Cosmonautics Day.
  • 1970 – the Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine gave its first concert on the stage of the National Opera of Ukraine
  • 1980 – Samuel Doe took power in Liberia after a coup, ending more than 130 years of democratic presidential succession.
  • 1992 – EuroDisneyland opened in Marne-la-Vallee near Paris.
  • 1999 – United States President Bill Clinton is charged with contempt of court after making “willful false statements” during a public sexual harassment trial.
  • 2002 – Pedro Carmona declared himself interim president of Venezuela during a failed military coup in Venezuela against the Hugo Chávez regime.
  • 2014 – capture of the city administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Slovyansk by a Russian subversive squad under the leadership of Igor “Strelkov” Girkin.

Name day

Vasyl, David, Ivan, Serhiy, Marfa, Maria are celebrating Angel’s Day today.

Read also: Deoccupation of Paska. Who gave the Ukrainians “Kulichi” and “PasHu”

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