April 11, 2013: The new music theater opens in Linz

1713: The Treaty of Utrecht lays the foundations for ending the War of Spanish Succession. Spain’s crown passes to the Bourbons: the Duke of Anjou, grandson of the French King Louis XIV, is recognized as King of Spain under the name Philip V. Austria receives the neighboring Spanish countries, including the Netherlands, Milan and Mantua.
1863: France signs a treaty of friendship with King Norodom of Cambodia. In 1867 the Southeast Asian country became a French protectorate.
1868: Johannes Brahms conducts the premiere of his “German Requiem”, Op. 45
1908: The armored cruiser “Blücher”, one of the largest ships in the German Navy, is launched in Kiel.
1918: The architect Otto Wagner dies in Vienna. The Art Nouveau master builder was one of the fathers of modern town planning (general renovation plan for Vienna 1892/93).
1923: The Allies allow private individuals to receive radio broadcasts in Germany.
1928: A rocket car designed by Fritz von Opel and Max Valier accelerates from a standing start to 100 kilometers per hour in seven seconds.
1933: Hermann Göring becomes Prussian Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. The German People’s Party (DVP) was the first of the major parties in the Weimar Republic to dissolve and recommended that its supporters join the NSDAP.
1968: In Berlin, the student leader Rudi Dutschke is seriously injured in an assassination attempt. On the same day, students storm the Springer building in Berlin.
1973: The head of the NSDAP party chancellery, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, is declared dead.
1978: Israeli troops begin announced withdrawal from southern Lebanon.
1988: The film “The Last Emperor” by Bernardo Bertolucci is awarded nine “Oscars” in Los Angeles.
2003: In Berlin, a bank robber hijacks a bus, which is stormed by a special task force four and a half hours later; only the kidnapper is injured.
2003: Premiere of the play “The Work” by Elfriede Jelinek in the Academy Theater in Vienna.
2013: The new music theater opens in Linz. The EUR 180 million building designed by British architect Terry Pawson offers space for up to 1,720 visitors and has one of the most technically modern stages in Europe.

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birthdays: Luise Gottsched, dt. Poet (1713-1762); Dean Acheson, US politician (1893-1971); Karel Ančerl, Czech. Conductor (1908-1973); Masaru Ibuka, Japan. Industrialist (1908-1997); Guy Verhofstadt, Belgian. politicians; 1999-2008 Prime Minister (1953).
days of death: David Hess, Switzerland. writers (1770-1843); Otto Wagner, Austrian Art Nouveau architect (1841-1918); Franz Karl Ginzkey, Austria writer (1871-1963); Dolores del Rio, US film actress (1905-1983); Francis (Henry) Durbridge, British writer (1912-1998); Hilary Koprowski, US-Polish. Scientist (1916-2013); Maria Tallchief, US prima ballerina (1925-2013); Jonathan Winters, US comedian (1925-2013); Eralp Uzun, German actor (1981-2013).
name days: Rainer, Stanislaus, Gemma, Hermann, Hildebrand, Leo, Isaac, Helena, Markus.

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