Appointment of the Barnier Government: transfer of power to the social ministries

2024-09-23 11:33:20

Following the publication on September 21, 2024 of the decree announcing the composition of Michel Barnier’s Government, a handover ceremony took place on Monday, September 23 in the premises of the social ministries, at 14 avenue Duquesne, in the seventh arrondissement of Paris.

Ms. Catherine Vautrin, former Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, appointed Minister of Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization, was accompanied by Ms. Geneviève Darrieussecq, Minister of Health and Access to Care, Mr. Paul Christophe, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men, and Ms. Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, Minister of Labor and Employment. During a handover ceremony, she thanked the team of the former government of Gabriel Attal present at her side:

M. Frédéric ValletouxMinister Delegate for Health and Prevention, Ms. Fadila KhattabiMinister Delegate for Persons with Disabilities, Mrs. Sarah El HaïryMinister Delegate for Children, Youth and Families.

Transfer of power on Monday, September 23 within the social ministries – Social ministries/ DICOM/Anton Karliner / Sipa Press

Mrs. Agnès Canayerappointed Minister Delegate for Family and Early Childhood, and Mme Salima Saaappointed Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men, were also present at this ceremony.”

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