The Minister of Health, Manuela Avilaand Dr. Alberto Levi, were designated as the coordinators of the Bilateral Commission for the implementation of the medical career in Catamarca. The governor Raúl Jalil | today signed decree No. 2222 that places both in that role.
Ávila and Levi will have “the responsibility of convening the interested sectors, public and private, necessary to finalize the implementation of the Medicine career in our province following the agreement signed between the National University of Tucumán (UNT) and the Government of Catamarca”, it was reported.
Coordinators of the commission for the implementation of the Medicine career (1).jpg
Minister Manuela Ávila and Dr. Levi were appointed to the Bilateral Commission for the Medicine career.
The Bilateral Commission will be the link between the Government of the province and the areas of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNT for the integral execution of the installation project of the career.