Apply for your BDV Microcredit (+ Steps)

Small business entrepreneurs who generate their income from the sale of their products can request financial support with the new BDV microcredit program, in the Bank of Venezuela.

One of the essential requirements to access this financing is to have an active current account at Banco de Venezuela. You must also meet certain requirements such as submitting specific documents.

Microcredit will be based on the applicant’s ability to repay, determined by income and general financial situation.

It is important to note that the amount of the credit will be expressed in Credit Value Units (CVU)and all fees must be paid in bolivars.

Learn more about BDV Microcredit

  • The client has a financing period, based on a prior credit evaluation.
  • The amount of financing will be estimated based on the applicant’s payment capacity.
  • Way to pay: Quotas containing capital and interest expressed in Credit Value Units (UVC) resulting from dividing the amount in bolivars to be settled from the credit granted between the Investment Index (WAS) valid for that date.
  • If for any reason the IDI of the amortization or early cancellation date is lower than the IDI of the granting date, The IDI in force on the date the credit is granted will be used.
  • Interest rate and commissions: according to the active market rate as established by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)
  • Guarantee: bail for legal or natural person, real estate mortgage, chattel mortgage, securities, movable property, animals or other if required to the satisfaction of the institution.


  • Have a checking account with the Bank of Venezuela

Requirements for BDV Microcredit

At this point there are three aspects: the collection of microcredits for natural persons, legal persons and personal signature. To do this you must enter the portal of the Bank of Venezuela.

Important to remember:

  • Once you have all the aforementioned documents, you must contact an executive at the BDV offices to request the product.
Microcredit from the BDV.
Microcredit from BDV

Be part of Banco de Venezuela’s CrediJoven and take your project to the next level

#Apply #BDV #Microcredit #Steps
2024-07-28 17:50:59



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