Apply for the subsidy for work and children by the end of this month… Notice to 3.25 million households

For households with less than 200 million won and a certain income… Payment at the end of August following mobile application

Low-income households with income last year can go through the application process during the month and receive incentives for work and children at the end of August.

The National Tax Service announced on the 2nd that it has sent a notice to apply for the subsidy for work and children in 2021 to 3.25 million households with incomes of working, business, and religious people.

The subsidy can be received if the total wealth of all household members is less than 200 million won, and the combined gross income of a married couple last year is less than 22 million won for a single household, less than 32 million won for a single-income household, and less than 38 million won for a dual-income household.

This is an increase of 2 million won by household type from last year.

To apply for the child subsidy, single or dual-income households with children under the age of 18 must have less than 200 million won in total assets and less than 40 million won in gross income.

The application period is from the 1st to the 31st of this month, and you can apply directly through the QR code in the mobile notice or postal notice.

Even if you do not receive the application guide, you can apply at Hometax of the National Tax Service if you meet the income and property requirements.

However, households who have applied for a half-year grant in September of last year or March of this year are excluded from this application.

After applying, the subsidy will be paid at the end of August following reviewing income and property requirements.

The average application guide amount per household was 983,000 won for work subsidy and 814,000 won for child subsidy, respectively.

By household type, single-income households (68.3%) accounted for the largest share of work subsidy, and single-income households (81.6%) took up the majority of child subsidies.

Apply for the subsidy for work and children by the end of this month...  Notice to 3.25 million households

/yunhap news

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