Applies only to Formalized Cooperative Associations

Public accountant José Javier García, explained that the exoneration of ISLR For one year, it will only be applicable to cooperative associations that have their documents formalized and that are up to date with their tax obligations.

Since 2019 there have been tax exemptions and they have been extended annually. It does not cover all cooperatives because some must comply with a series of formalities. Having a certificate of compliance with everything provided for in the Cooperative Law, to be exempt from the ISLR exemption.

He added that according to the MPComunas website, there are currently 22,590 registered cooperatives, but only 2,810, representing 10%, are operating formally.

“What we could seek with this is to motivate people to use this economic instrument to carry out various activities, even if only 10% are capable of doing so. We are trying to attract that other sector that remained in the informal sector or in the process of being established,” he said.

Exemption from ISRL

He said that now is the right time to review the current tax system and seek to achieve harmonization. This should occur through collaboration between the private and public sectors, as well as with experts in economics, finance and other areas.

In his opinion, this action should not be carried out by incorporating new taxes, but by expanding the taxpayer base. It is important that they be given the necessary incentives to generate profitability. And, as an added bonus, they should abandon the informality in which they currently operate, in order to benefit from the exemption from paying ISLR.

Exemption from ISLR.

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#Applies #Formalized #Cooperative #Associations
2024-08-22 22:45:25



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