Applications for children’s camps are due by Sunday – 2024-05-11 13:15:26

The deadline for submitting online applications to the DYPA’s “2024 Children’s Camp Accommodation Program” ends on Sunday, May 12, 2024.

Her schedule DOUBLE for the children’s camps, it concerns 70,000 checks for children aged 6-16 and will be implemented from June 15 to September 10 for children of typical development and until September 20 for children with a disability of 50% or more. The total budget amounts to 35,000,000 euros.

The maximum length of stay is 15 consecutive days (including the days of arrival and departure), while in the camps operating in the fire-affected municipalities of Istiaea – Edipsos and Mantoudi – Limni – Ag. Annas but also in camps in the Region of Thessaly, the stay can last up to 30 consecutive days.

Vulnerable groups are also strengthened in the camp program this year as there is a quota for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and single parents, while for the first time those who have not participated in the program in the past and those who applied in the last 2 years but did not receive a check are quotated.

Beneficiaries are the parents or guardians (guardians, guardians, etc.) of beneficiary children, who are:

  • employees with a dependent employment relationship under private law at the end of the deadline for submitting applications or
  • insured with the eEFKA in their professional category with contributions for the unemployment sector of DYPA at any time between 1.1.2023 and the day before the application deadline or
  • unemployed with a continuous period of unemployment of at least three months, on the deadline for submitting applications.

The income of the beneficiaries of all categories must not exceed 30,000 euros, unless they are long-term unemployed, who, if divorced or married, must have an income of up to 16,000 euros or 24,000 euros, respectively, plus 5,000 euros per child, while if are single parents must have an income of up to 29,000 euros, increased by 5,000 euros per child (after the first).

Applications will be submitted exclusively online through the Unified Digital Portal of the Public Administration ( with TAXISnet codes.

Specifically, the route is: Home – Work and insurance – Camps – DYPA camp programs. The platform will be open for beneficiary applications until May 12 at 23:59.

The selection of the beneficiaries is based on the scoring of specific criteria (disabled, single parent, number of children, income, non-participation in previous programs) in an objective and transparent manner through the DYPA’s Integrated Information System (IPS).

It is noted that employees and unemployed people who are subsidized for the participation of their children in a camp program of any other organization for the year 2024 cannot participate in the program.

Beneficiaries are subsidized for the accommodation of their beneficiary children in a children’s camp of the DYPA provider register by issuing a Children’s Camp Accommodation Voucher, which takes the form of a unique electronic code number.

The supporting documents related to the conditions of participation or the scoring of the beneficiaries are sought ex officio. In those cases where supporting documents are required due to the impossibility of an ex officio search, these are attached to the applications. In the applications, the beneficiaries declare all their minor children, and not only those for whom they request a check to participate in the program, for scoring purposes.

Providers of the program are natural or legal persons of public or private law who carry out business activity and maintain a children’s camp business in Greece in accordance with the current legislation. From this year 2024, the providers of the previous year will be automatically included in the Register of Providers, as long as they update their participation documents.

According to newsit, applications for participation and updating of supporting documents are submitted exclusively electronically through the Unified Digital Portal of the Public Administration ( with the codes TAXISnet. Specifically, the route is: Home – Work and insurance – Camps – DYPA camp providers.

For more information about the terms and conditions, interested parties can visit the DYPA website.

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#Applications #childrens #camps #due #Sunday

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