Applicable for four types of cancer: New test detects precursors of cervical cancer earlier

A new test for cervical cancer screening is likely to detect precursors of the cancer much earlier than previous methods. The test, developed under the direction of Martin Widschwendter, professor at the University of Innsbruck, detects precancerous stages before they are microscopically visible. This was researched as part of a research program to develop a screening test for all cancers specific to women.

To date, abnormal cells have been identified on the cervix, the University of Innsbruck announced in a broadcast on Wednesday. Depending on the cell change, close examinations are carried out to monitor it or the changed cells are removed before they can develop into an invasive cancer.

The new test called “WID-CIN”, on the other hand, examines the DNA methylation of cervical cells. DNA methylation is a genetic change that can be influenced by environmental factors. This tells the cells which parts of the genetic code to read. These so-called epigenetic changes can increase the risk of certain diseases such as cancer. The researchers not only want to identify the precursors of cancer, but also predict future cancer risk.

‘Our work has shown how examining a cervical sample can provide information about a woman’s risk of three other types of cancer – breast, ovarian and uterine cancer – in addition to detecting cervical lesions,’ said Widschwendter. Using a single sample, the risk is to be identified using different molecular signatures.

The WID-CIN test surpassed the previous method of cytology, it said. “The new WID test is more accurate and detects precancerous stages even before microscopic changes occur. This means that the screening can be carried out in a more targeted manner,” explained Chiara Herzog, a molecular medicine specialist at the EUTOPS Institute at the University of Innsbruck. The test recognized more than half of those with human papillomavirus (HPV) infected womenwho did not yet have any visible cell changes, but who developed a pronounced precancerous stage within the following four years.

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The study, published in the journal Genome Medicine, examined 1,254 cervical screening samples. The samples came from women from the cervical screening program in the Stockholm region of Sweden with cell changes from CIN1 to CIN3 – i.e. from women with early to high-grade cell changes -, women with HPV but no cervical cell changes, and women without cervical cell changeswho developed CIN3 within four years.

Next Steps

In the next phase of the study, the researchers want to examine women who have been vaccinated against HPV. Cervical cancer can also be caused by subtypes that are not recognized by current tests. In the WID-CIN test, those responsible also saw an opportunity for early detection here.

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