Apple will have Vision Pro labs in New York and Sydney

2023-10-18 15:30:00

A Apple announced an expansion of its laboratories focused on developing professional experiences Vision Pro to two more cities from November. Are they: New York (United States) and Sydney (Australia).

The labs are aimed at those who are unable to order the Maçã headset developer kit, launched last July — it is important not to confuse it with the software development kit (SDK), which was made available a month earlier, in June.

When the first labs were announced, several developers complained about the lack of availability of sessions in more cities, mainly in the USA, where only the city of Cupertino had initially been included.

Now, in total, Apple offers laboratories in eight cities: Cupertino, London, Munich, New York, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai.

Developers can sign up to participate in Vision Pro labs and gain useful information on this page. It’s worth remembering that sales of the headset will start sometime early next year — only in the US, at first.

#Apple #Vision #Pro #labs #York #Sydney

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