Apple: the firm fixes the bug that drained the battery of iPhones

This week, Apple a made available on wagers updated to iOS and iPadOS 15.4.1. They gather patches related to accessibility features. But above all, they provide the solution to the bug which caused an abnormally rapid discharge of the battery of certain iPhones. With them, also comes a significant increase in security.

The number of people affected by this bug is unknown. But in March, shortly after iOS 15.4 went live, Apple support on Twitter intervened to reassure Internet users who noticed that their battery was discharging faster than usual.

Two weeks after this response, testimonials from irritated users tended to flourish on the forums of certain specialized sites. The relatively rapid deployment of a patch also suggests that many users were impacted.

L’installation d’iOS 15.4.1 (and that of macOS Monterey 12.3.1launched in parallel) is therefore strongly recommended as soon as possible for all users, including those who had not encountered any battery problems. Indeed, this update provides a patch aimed at closing vulnerabilities that may have been exploited.

As a reminder, this update is accessible from the settings of your iPhone under the General tab > Software update. On Mac, you have to go through the System Preferences, then go to the Software Update section.

With The Verge

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