Apple solves a burning problem! Customers complain about the rapid discharge of the iPhone 16 –

  • iOS 18 users are experiencing significantly reduced battery life on their iPhone 16
  • It appears to be a major update issue, as it has been in the past
  • In our editorial office, we do not observe anything similar, perhaps because we are using the iOS 18.1 beta

With all models of the new iPhone 16, without exception, users encounter below-average or very poor battery life. At the same time, the fault is very likely not the hardware, i.e. the four new iPhones themselves, but the major software update iOS 18.

Battery life problem with iPhones

Both Reddit and Apple’s official community forum have been hotly debated over the past month — since the launch of the new iPhone 16 — about the worrisome battery life of the new phones.

For example, directly on Apple’s website they complain users not only of iPhone 16, but also of older models, that the update to iOS 18 not only reduced their endurance, but the battery condition also dropped instantly with the update, for example from 100 to 97%, i.e. by a full 3 percentage points.

Don’t overlook

The Chinese promised, Apple did not deliver. The new iPhone 16s still have woefully slow charging

“After installing iOS 18, my iPhone 15 Pro Max’s battery drains drastically,” stated one of the discussants. Another admitted that his iPhone 14 Pro Max lasted at least a day and a half before installing iOS 18. After the update, the phone is said not to last even a day. “I wish Apple would give us the option to downgrade before they fix it,” he complained.

It’s no different on Reddit, where the debaters also engage in sharper statements. “My iPhone 16 Pro Max battery life is like dog shit and I’ve only had it for a week” he wrote u/samirbinballin. However, some commentators also provide conclusive information: u/mlaprise measured iPhone 16 Pro and 14 Pro battery life, charged both and left them lying around all day. After 36 hours of “doing nothing”, the iPhone 14 Pro had 85% battery, while the iPhone 16 Pro only had 58%.

byu/reddit_sucks12 from discussion

It’s the same every year

It’s fair to say that this issue isn’t affecting all users, but while it’s not a widespread issue, it’s something Apple should focus on. We see these reports every year after a major iOS update, and it’s not just that Apple’s new software doesn’t work well on older iPhones. After updating to a major new version of iOS, there are many things going on under the hood that consume more power after an iPhone update.

In most cases, the situation calms down within a few days, although in some cases it may take two to three weeks to return to normal. If you’re also struggling with significantly low stamina, we recommend downloading the latest update and hoping for an improvement, or trying the public beta program. We in the editorial office are using the iOS 18.1 beta, and we have not encountered any below-average endurance.

Author of the article

Jakub Fischer

Journalist, fan of modern technology, summer months and Asian food. I like Lynch movies, Pollock paintings, french house and Arsenal football club. In my spare time, I play PlayStation and go jogging.

Sure! Let’s dive into the world of Apple’s latest misadventure with iOS 18 and the iPhone 16. Buckle up, folks; we’ve got a juicy tech saga unfolding here!

  • Battery Life Gone AWOL—A Shocking Update!
  • Time-Traveling Back to Software Hiccups of Yore!
  • Our Editorial Office Giggles as They Soar on iOS 18.1 Beta — Will the Rest of You Catch Up?

It appears that with every new iPhone launch, we can count on two things: a bright and shiny device that we just must have, and a software update that makes our batteries behave like they’ve taken a vacation. Yes, we’re here to talk about the iPhone 16’s battles with iOS 18 and the tragic saga of battery life.

Oh No! Not the Battery Life Again!

So, picture this: You just unboxed your brand new iPhone 16, all glistening and glamorous, right? You’re ready to snap selfies, check social media, and be the envy of your friends. And then—bam!—you find out the battery is draining faster than a kid in a candy store after a sugar rush. Users have taken to Apple’s forums and Reddit like moths to a flame, and boy, are they fiery! It’s like watching a group of chefs argue over a slightly burnt soufflé, except this isn’t a culinary disaster—it’s your phone! “My iPhone 16’s battery life is like dog shit!” one user bemoaned, embodying that classic Redittor flair.

Now before you get all panicky, let’s remember that this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Apple’s software updates play fast and loose with battery life. It’s practically an annual event—like your aunt’s fruitcake at Christmas. You know it’s coming; you just wish it would stay in the past!

The Great Downgrade Debate

It seems that our dear pals at Apple have made a habit of releasing a major update that makes older devices feel like they’ve aged ten years overnight. Users are begging for the option to downgrade to their previous, more functioning software. Because—surprise!—a functioning iPhone is better than one that makes you feel like you’re living in the Stone Age. Imagine your iPhone 14 Pro, which lasted a day and a half without so much as a whimper, now barely scraping by with just a day of juice. “I wish Apple would give us the option to downgrade before they fix it,” lamented a user, which, let’s face it, is the digital equivalent of sending your vehicle back to the dealership just to get it fixed after a recall.

Here We Go Again—It’s Just Routine

The thing is, it’s not all doom and gloom. Not every iPhone 16 user is clutching their keys in despair. This is a common refrain we’ve all sung before—“It’ll get better, just give it time.” Oh, how this refrain feels vaguely like mistaking a warm bath for a sauna! In most cases, the battery situation settles down after a few days or, for the more hardiest souls, maybe even weeks. In the meantime, the editorial office is smugly taking a sip of their iOS 18.1 beta Kool-Aid. Spoiler alert: They’re not experiencing the same battery blues because tech journalists live in a world where they can upgrade faster than the rest of us mere mortals.

To all those feeling the digital pinch, have no fear! There’s hope! Download the latest updates and cross your fingers; it’s like finding out your favorite restaurant has reopened after renovations. Or, give that public beta program a whirl! You never know—you might end up as lucky as us on the cutting edge of tech joy!

In conclusion, folks, let’s remember that while Apple gadgets can lead to maddening moments, they also invite a playful camaraderie when we commiserate with fellow users. So we tip our hats (and perhaps our phones) to you, iPhone 16 warriors. May your battery woes soon become a distant memory and your selfies be ever bright! Cheers!

And there you have it! A cheeky and chucklesome commentary on a not-so-cute calamity in the digital realm!



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