Apple removes iOS 17.3 beta 2 after boot issues

2024-01-07 23:15:00

In December, Apple released iOS 17.2, a major update that was expected to bring new features and fix security vulnerabilities. However, the update was quickly criticized for its numerous problems, including malfunctions with phone calls. These problems have aroused user concern and highlighted Apple’s difficulties in ensuring the reliability of its iOS updates.

Apple had therefore prepared a new update iOS 17.3 Beta 2 to correct many problems. New concern, Apple quickly withdrew this beta update intended to resolve the problems of the previous version, after noting that it introduced a serious problem of restarting in a loop. The update was pulled just three hours after its launch, and it affected various iPhone models, including the iPhone 12 to 15. Apple took this action in response to reports of frozen and unusable devices.

  • Apple has recommended users affected by the reboot loop issue to restore their device via recovery mode. This method may solve the problem, but it may cause loss of unsaved data.
  • The incident highlights the risks of beta versions, which can contain bugs that could cause operational problems or even render devices unusable. Apple must therefore improve its testing processes to reduce the risk of such incidents.

The bug that led to the removal of iOS and iPadOS 17.3 Beta 2 could be linked to the “Touch the back of the device” feature, according to developer Guilherme Rambo. However, other testers were able to install this beta without issue on an iPhone that had this feature enabled.

Regardless, this incident is an important reminder for users installing beta versions from Apple. These systems are still under development and may contain bugs that may cause malfunctions or even render the devices unusable. It is therefore important to regularly back up your phone before installing a beta version.

The release of iOS 17.3 is expected at the end of January or the beginning of February. This version should include new protection in the event of theft of the iPhone and its code, as well as the return of shared Apple Music playlists.

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