Apple has released the first Rapid Security Response (RSR) update for iOS 16.4.1 and macOS 13.3.1, enabling faster security updates.

Rapid Security Response updates 16.4.1 (a) and macOS 13.3.1 (a) are designed to provide users with quick security-specific updates without the need for a full update.

Updating will follow the same process as normal operating system updates: go into settings and press update. But the process is faster, it only takes a few minutes. Then just restart the machine itself. Once we install it, we will see the version as iOS 16.4.1. When we click on it, we will see the details of the iOS version and the Rapid Security Response.

Apple has been testing this feature since last year. It was released with iOS 16 and macOS Ventura, and was tested on a small sample to ensure it worked well before it was released.

The Rapid Security Response will only appear for people who have the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS installed. For those who have not seen the update, Apple will gradually release it to update within 48 hours.
