Apple recommended after 65 to reduce frailty syndrome

2023-06-01 11:41:01

Eating an apple a day would reduce the risk of frailty in the elderly according to a new study.

Among the quotes and proverbs related to health, one of the best known is “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. And this is no coincidence. While it is not necessarily true, the apple has many health benefits. This fruit is a satiating slimming ally, rich in vitamins and ideal for reducing bad cholesterol. It would also help to avoid constipation problems.

But it would also have beneficial properties on the health of the most fragile. In any case, this is the finding that emerges from a study shared in the journal Science Direct in April 2023. The latter highlights the importance of the flavonoids contained in apples and their effect on the frailty syndrome of the elderly.

An apple a day to reduce the risk of fragility by 20%

The notion of frailty can take on another dimension in the over 65s. The latter have a body that is less resistant to disease and they have the feeling of being less resistant or efficient than before. Nevertheless, frailty syndrome affects only a small proportion of adults over the age of 65 (regarding 10% of those concerned).

In order to check whether flavonoids might help reduce this syndrome, the researchers observed 1,700 volunteers. For 12 years, they analyzed their diet in order to obtain information that might help the elderly. And it turns out that one antioxidants found naturally in apples would have this preventive effect.

By eating the equivalent of one medium apple each day, the researchers noticed a decrease in fragility among the panel. And this data might be used in the future in the preventive framework. However, apples are not the only fruits capable of reducing the feeling of fragility.

Another fruit with the same virtues recommended to reduce fragility

Also in this study, the researchers found that blackberries had the same beneficial effects on the fragility of seniors. However, this small red fruit is not available on the stalls all year round unlike the apple. In season, i.e. from July to the end of September approximatelyit is therefore possible to replace the apple with a few blackberries to enjoy the same effects.

Note that it is perfectly possible to eat both fruits during the same day. Nevertheless, it is not yet possible to say whether this further reduces the impression of fragility or not.

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