Apple begins to collect testimonials from rescuers following the various fake emergency calls made by iPhone and Apple Watch users. This is related to the emergency call functionality and accident detection.
The iPhone 14 and the latest Apple Watch are able to detect situations where users have suffered a car accident. A call for help is automatically made so that they can help the iPhone or Apple Watch owner who suffered the accident. The problem is that the feature is too sensitive and triggers calls when the user hasn’t had an accident.
False calls occur in particular when a person makes roller coaster in an amusement park or skiing/snowboarding and falling. There have been many testimonies in recent weeks, to the point that rescuers ask to deactivate emergency calls and accident detection. Indeed, they are obliged to go there because it might be a real accident and therefore a real victim. This involves resources that might be used with real calls.
In view of the situation, Apple announced to the New York Post Be gathering feedback from emergency call centers that have experienced an increase in robocalls due to this feature.
It is to be hoped that Apple will find a solution to improve its functionality. iOS 16.1.2, which was born in Novemberhad brought Crash detection optimizations on iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models. But Apple didn’t go into the details and that wasn’t enough anyway.