Apple pushes iOS, macOS updates, corresponding to serious web security vulnerabilities

Apple iPhone

At the end of last month, ApplereleaseiOS 15.3 and macOS 12.2 were released to fix a Safari bug. The voice is still alive, Apple release again iOS 15.3.1 and macOS Monterey 12.2.1 and watchOS 8.4.2, said to correspond to a serious security vulnerability in WebKit. Specifically, some malicious web pages use the use after free vulnerability to execute malicious programs. It’s worth noting that this vulnerability has already been exploited, as Apple has also confirmed that it has received reports of at least one related vulnerability.

In addition to plugging the security hole, the iOS update also fixes an issue where the Braille display stopped responding.In the macOS update, it also fixed a high power consumption problem on the Intel version of the Macbook, but 9to5Mac It means that this problem is that even the M1 processor version is affected, so it is recommended that you update as soon as possible.

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