Apple plans to use a C charger in iPhone phones

The US electronics giant Apple is testing future models of iPhone smartphones by adding a standard USB-C slot instead of the Lightning slot on existing models, which will help the company comply with new EU rules.

In addition to testing the UPS-C charger slot in recent months, Apple is currently working on developing a compatibility that will allow new iPhones to work with accessories designed to work with the existing Lightning slot, Bloomberg News Agency quoted informed sources as saying.

And if Apple goes ahead with its plan to change the charger slot, it will not release devices equipped with these slots before 2023 at the earliest, and Apple intends to keep the Lightning slot in the new models of phones that it will produce during the current year.

With Apple’s use of the UPS-C charger slot, iPhone users will be able to use accessories used with the rest of its products that are equipped with a UPS-C slot, as most iPad tablets and Mac computers rely on the USB slot. PS-C, not a Lightning slot. Therefore, Apple customers currently cannot use a single charger to charge iPhones, iPads, and Macs, which is strange for Apple, which tends to be simple, and allows wireless chargers to work with iPhones and other Apple devices.

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