Apple opens an aid fund for Ukraine at UNICEF. So you can collaborate

If you want to donate money to Ukraine, Apple makes it very easy for you by being able to do it from your iPhone in just a few steps.

Apple has clearly positioned itself against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and both on a personal level, with the statements by Tim CookWhat company level, the company has shown its support for Ukraine and harshly sanctioned Russia. Now you have taken another step, allowing all its users to quickly donate money to UNICEF to help the country.

Both on its website and in the Music app, the App Store or iTunes We have a banner with a link that allows us to directly donate an amount of money to UNICEF to help families affected by the crisis in Ukraine. We can make donations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 150 euros.

Donating money for Ukraine is very easy from Apple devices

The donation process is extremely simple, just enter the App Store and you will see a section in support of Ukraine. Pressing it will open a page with donation options, which will be paid with the payment method that we have configured in our Apple ID.

Apple has already opened a donation fund for employees in which the company encouraged to collaborate doubling the amount that each employee will donate to Ukraine. Apple also assured that it was working with its partners to evaluate what else they can do to help, one of the new ways is this fund where we can all easily donate, but it may not be the last.

Apple has stopped selling devices in Russia, has blocked Apple Pay and removed your media apps from the App Store. What has caused the price of Apple devices increases considerably in the countryand that many take it really hard smashing company devices. However, It does not seem that Apple is going to stop imposing this type of sanctions while Russia continues to invade Ukrainesomething that we hope will end soon.

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