Apple meets with Indian government to discuss its expansion in the country

2023-08-24 18:02:50

It is not new that the Apple is gradually increasing its operations in India, in all senses. In recent months, the first two Apple Stores in the country were opened; Apple suppliers, such as Foxconn, are also increasing their production capacities in the country, boosting investments there. Even the Apple Pay and the Apple Card may be expanded to the Southeast Asian nation in the future.

In this context of acceleration, the Cupertino giant has taken another step towards closer ties with India, in order to fulfill its ambitious plans for the country. According to Indian vehicle Business Timesa “detailed” meeting recently took place between senior company officials in the country and members of the Indian Ministry of Finance.

According to the portal’s sources in the Indian government, the subject of the meeting was precisely Apple’s plans to expand the manufacture of iPhones in the country. Discussions reportedly revolved around the future of smartphone production and supply chain in the Asian nation, as well as ways for Indian policies to align and support the initiative.

The idea would be not only to produce the devices, but also to boost the domestic production of components in the country. As echoed by To gasolinehowever, the country’s position in terms of tax incentives still does not please Apple, being a point on which negotiations would still be possible in the future.

It is worth remembering that the CEOChief executive officeror CEO.”>1 of Apple, Tim Cookheld a meeting with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in April this year, showing how the most recent meeting is a continuation of this trajectory of greater presence in India. On the occasion, the Minister of Information Technology of India said he expected the company to triple its investments there.

The manufacture of iPhones in India started in 2017, expanding since then, especially from last year, with the emergence of obstacles in China, such as the lockdowns because of the pandemic and the political situation with the United States and Taiwan. With these diversification efforts, other products are also being manufactured in India, such as AirPods.

Forecasts suggest that by 2025, 18% of iPhones will be produced in Indian factories, a number that is currently at 7%. Despite the challenges of transferring the already rooted production in China, the production of the next iPhones would have already started in India – and almost simultaneously with the Chinese manufacturing lines.

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